
Saturday, March 25, 2006

Drug Sweep Nails 12 thugs

The Kingston Police department arrested 12 people in a drug sweep yesterday morning following a five week investigation my hat goes off to detective Matthews and the KPD they are hard workers and do everything they can to make it safer for us to live in.

Here were the thugs arrested:

Tiffany Aiken, 28, of 296 Wall St.;
Anthony Brown, 31, of 256 Washington Ave.;
Naomi Clark, 50, of 4 O'Neil St.;
James Douglas, age and address unavailable;
Barry Futrell, 43, address unavailable;
Omar Herbert, age and address unavailable;
Sequoya Mayo, 33, of 42 Downs St.;
Walter Mayo, 31, of 42 Downs St.;
Trevis Meeks, 23, of 181 Wall St.;
Omar Muhammad, 31, of 277 Albany Ave.; and
Maria Rameriz, 44, of 105 Downs St.
In addition, one juvenile was arrested and the case turned over to family court.

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