
Friday, March 10, 2006

Majority Leader Reynolds proposes Kingston go Wireless

Common council majority leader Bill Reynolds is asking that the city look into the possibility of having government wireless internet service throughout the city of Kingston.
"Providing Internet access in addition to the more traditional services such as water, sewer and trash pickup would give people one more reason to live and do business here in the city of Kingston," Reynolds said. I could not agree more this is what we need to bring the city into the 21st century, the internet is no longer a luxury but a necessity. It is the way we get are work done everyday and when I'm looking for a job I know I can send my resume to 10 different companies in a matter of minutes. Rich Cahill, the common council minority leader said that the cost would be '' gigantic," that's funny I didn't know a study was done. I remember Anne Marie DiBella telling Cahill to write Fiction novels a few months back, maybe he should try fortune telling as well.

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