
Sunday, April 02, 2006

Blaber News endorses Paul Van Blarcum For Sheriff

Blaber news is honored to give our endorsement for Ulster County Sheriff to Sgt. Paul Van Blarcum. Sgt. Van Blarcum's 35 years experience working with the Ulster County Sheriffs dept. makes him qualified for the position. I am confident that Van Blarcums experience and leadership capabilities will be apparent to the voters and in November there will be a new Sheriff in town by the name of Paul Van Blarcum.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:04 PM

    As a resident of the City of Kingston and as a Democratic Committeeman it was my honor to
    second the endorsement of Mr. VanBlarcum. The Democratic Committee of Ward Six will work very hard to elect Paul this November.

    Bob Gillon


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