
Sunday, April 23, 2006

Jail Audit Finds 13 Million In unnecessary Costs

An Audit by the State comptroller's office finds 13 million dollars in unnecessary costs. Among the costs was $39.59 for a box of cigars, $1,000 for lodging in the Greene County village of Tannersville on Jan. 11 and 12, 2001, for three people employed by consultants for project architect Crandell Associates, $95.50 for food and beverages at a Tannersville restaurant, also filed by Crandell, "Air fare with a $100 penalty for an early return flight," parking fees at a garage in Manhattan and $104 for meals at a New York City restaurant.
"Our review disclosed that the county reimbursed the architect for unnecessary and improper expenses incurred by its consultant," the auditors wrote. "Although the total dollar amount is minor, these examples illustrate the county's obvious lack of expenditure control, which has contributed to the cost overruns. The county's failure to institute adequate controls over the spending for this project imposed unnecessary and inappropriate cost to the taxpayers."

Chairman David Donaldson has called for a criminal investigation, I could not agree more and I applaud him for taking action on this, it is simply unacceptable said Jeremy Blaber how dare members of the Ulster legislator pick pocket the tax payers.

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