
Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Kingston Public Access Closing, Way Off Base

Recent talk about KPA going off the air is way off base says Jeremy Blaber who serves as the Vice-Chairman to the public Access commission. Blaber went further to say "I have meet with Mayor Jim Sottile and with Supervisor Nick Woerner this last week and have gotten nothing but help and cooperation, they both recognize it's importance and want it to stay in the community and are going to assist in the efforts to make sure that is what happens.

The Kingston Public Access Cable commission is also looking at new routes to generate funds, making KPA a 501(c)3 is something that has been discussed also there are fundraisers and station under writers that may be something to look at down the road. There is also a group of about seven or so citizens looking to start a committee "friends of Kingston Public Access" which will also be beneficial. We have a lot of positive things going along and I am excited said Blaber.

Another development that will be happening in the next few weeks is the city of Kingston is going to finalize a contract with Time Warner Cable, which is five years over due. Mayor Sottile has brought up a suggestion that the money people will be paying on there bill for public access ( which is now only allowed to be used for Capital costs) be used for both capital and operating costs, he has assured me he would have Corp. Council look into it and see if it was something that we could do.

I applaud everyone who has helped in this process especially Mayor Jim Sottile, Supervisor Nick Woerner, my colleagues on the commission and the entire Kingston Common Council because of there efforts we are getting back on track, we still have a long way to go but we are no longer at a threat of shutting down.


  1. Anonymous11:47 PM

    I am glad things are looking on the up and up! I watch your show and other shows on Public Access every week. You provide a great public service to the community and I hope it stays.

  2. This is good to hear! I'm seriously thinking about becoming a producer, and running a weekly show.

    Stay tuned...

  3. Anonymous11:15 AM

    What does the City do with the franchise fee they have been collecting from me for the past thirty years?


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