
Sunday, May 14, 2006

Don't Forget on Tuesday, May 16th Vote Farrell, Shaughnessy, and McCoy for School Board

Don't forget to Vote on Tuesday, May 16th for Chris Farrell, Jim Shaughnessy, and Matt McCoy for the Kingston City School board elections. These candidates will do what is in the best interest for your tax-dollars and most of all what is best for the children in the district. They unlike other candidates have NO hidden agenda.

Chris Farrell- Chris Farrell is currently a sitting member of the Kingston School board and is seeking re-election to another three year term, under Mr. Farrell's tenure as a school board trustee a lot has been accomplished, he has prioritized facility repairs and addressed them on a yearly basis, implemented full-day Kindergarten throughout the district, and has supported sound fiscal policies, we need proven leadership and Mr.Farrell has that leadership.

Jim Shaughnessy- Jim Shaughnessy decided to run for school board after he heard that the "shadow board" was running, Mr. Shaughnessy remembers what a disaster Gordon Webb and John Lee made the school district ten years ago. " Now that I have a nine year old daughter in the district, I have a stake in the system, I do not want to deal with a repeat of the shadow board experience. Mr.Shaughnessy founded Ives & Shaughnessy Web Information Services, one of the first web development companies in Ulster County. Mr. Shaughnessy is also a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a former junior high school teacher.

Matt McCoy- Matt McCoy decided to run for school board to improve the communication between the school board and the community, Mr. McCoy has been involved in the community his whole life coaching the boy's modified soccer team, coaching the girls under-14 team for the Port Ewen Athletic Association, asst. coach Kingston Girls Varsity softball under his father Coach Fred McCoy Sr., volunteer Fireman for the St. Remey Fire dept. and is a member of the ancient Order of Hibernians. Mr.McCoy is a graduate of Suny Ulster and employed at Begnal motors in Kingston.

* All three candidates have made it a priority to restore the Carnegie Library, which has sat dormant for over thirty years.

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