
Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Jeremy Blaber chosen NYSYD President of Ulster County

Jeremy Blaber has been chosen to be the New President for the Ulster County chapter of the New York State Young Democratic Committee, " I am honored to be given this opportunity, I love democrats and I love the political system, it's just in my blood" said Blaber.

There is a lot of work that needs to be done, Jay Dailey and Legislator Rodriguez have done a lot of work but more needs to be done, they both have hectic schedules and need someone who can dedicate more time. Jeremy Blaber's plans are to be more consistent with meetings and have the Ulster chapter work with political campaigns and be involved with local community issues.

There are 3 major campaigns going on and I would like the young dems to get involved with them and gain experience, Spitzer's campaign alone is a great opportunity for young adults to get out there and meet new and interesting people in local government. On a local level we have SGT. Paul VanBlarcum who is running for sheriff and it is a great feeling knowing that there time and energy was responsible in get him elected.

Jeremy Blaber also said that he is going to be more involved with other chapters and see what they are doing, "I am going to the convention in Buffalo later this month to learn a little bit about how other chapters work and see what measures they have used to make there chapter a success." I also am going to put together a NYSYD website for the Ulster County chapter which will have information on our progress within the chapter, our members and how to join the chapter.

The NYSYD main page is:

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:44 AM



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