
Saturday, July 01, 2006

Blaber News Person of the Week Alderman Mike Madsen

This weeks Blaber News Person of the week is Kingston Alderman Mike Madsen for his tireless work to settle a new contract between Time Warner cable and the city of Kingston and his work with Kingston Public Access Ch.23. " Alderman Madsen has went out of his way to try to finalize this contract said Blaber he has also worked hard with K.P.A. and I think the council is privileged to have him as there Cable Committee Chairman.

Alderman Mike Madsen who chairs the Kingston Cable Committee has worked hard to finalize a contract with Time Warner cable and the City of Kingston, a contract which is 10 years over due. There have been many obstacles in the way of finalizing this contract but because of Madsen's diligent work with the rest of the members of his committee and continuing the hard work of former alderman Chris Gonyea who was very instrumental in his work in trying to get this contract signed,( he as well was chairman of the cable committee during his tenure as Alderman), a new 10-year contract will be signed next month.

Alderman Madsen is also the liaison to the KPA commission and helped with KPA's recent telethon, were he spearheaded the grave yard shift going on with producer Shawn Keizer and Chris Gonyea from 1230 to 6am. I am a night owl said Madsen and I wanted to go on and show my support for KPA and try to raise money. Alderman Madsen has been a strong supporter of having KPA develop 501 (c)3 status.

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