
Sunday, June 11, 2006

Town Supervisor Nick Woerner Continues Good Works For Ulster

It was January 1st Supervisor Nick Woerner took office after easily defeating opponent Walter Maxwell, since then Supervisor Woerner has done an impressive job in the town. " Supervisor Woerner is doing a fantastic job, he has brought a blast of fresh air to the town, his passion and commitment to the town and it's residents are inescapable" said Blaber.

Supervisor Woerner has passed a tentative contract with Laborers Local 17 covers all town employees, an act that will provide wage increases by 3.6 percent over the next three years. "It was one of the main priorities that Democrats campaigned on in the 2005 elections," he said. Also the Supervisor is working to fix the town's phone system which is broken, the 4 year old system does not allow residents to leave messages after hours, a "new Executone phone system" is going to be installed. In February the Town board approved Supervisor Woerner's plan to authorized borrowing $600,000 to repaint the Ulster Water District storage tank and build a pump station. "We do have the water currently coming in right now," "What this is going to allow us to do is when the demand becomes higher, such as in the summer months and when our contract increases ... to pump in the necessary amounts that we will need." said Nick. The Town also has a legal police Commission under Woerner.

Supervisor Woerner has only been in office for a little over 6 months and so much has been accomplished, the town is lucky to have his leadership. If this is any indication of what is to come then the town is in for something great. One thing I can say for sure is the town is in good hands.

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