
Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Blaber News Endorses Marc Molinaro for NYS Assembly

Blaber News is pleased to endorse Marc Molinaro for the NYS Assembly, Mr. Molinaro has done wonders for Tivoli on a town level and a great job for Dutchess on a county level, I know that he will do a good job for the assembly on a state level said Blaber, it is not about the party (Molinaro who is a republican) he is a great public servant and I feel he will do the best job.

“I take my role as a public servant very seriously. Serving in elected office since 1994 I have dedicated myself to enthusiastic and honest public service.

Never missing a legislative meeting and working in a bi-partisan manner, I have been involved in the drafting or promotion of every major piece of legislation adopted in the last four years. From public health, to criminal justice, from land use funding to sweeping reform of our child protective services, I have attempted to represent the interests of our community while addressing the major issues facing our county.

I love public service and I love the communities I serve. As a graduate of the Red Hook school district, community volunteer and proud parent, I am invested and committed to the people I serve. I value our diversity, heritage, landscape, possibilities and potential. I will listen, learn and strive to make a difference in your life and the life of our community.

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