
Monday, August 07, 2006

Blaber News Proudly Endorses Joe Lieberman for US Senate

Blaber News is proud to endorse Joe Lieberman for the U.S. Senate, usually Blaber News sticks to local and State Government but due to the current circumstances we have felt compelled to voice our opinion on the 3-term senator. '' I can understand that some may be turned of by some of Senator Lieberman's pro-war stances but he is a good democratic senator, period. I think the democrats really need to stick together and get behind Lieberman for the good of the party, I am sure, well I know Mr. Lamont is a great guy but I think Mr. Lieberman is the better choice for our progressive agenda.


Former President Bill Clinton, who campaigned for Lieberman in Waterbury on 2006-07-24
U.S. Senator Chris Dodd
U.S. Senator and Minority Leader Harry Reid
CA Senator Barbara Boxer, who campaigned for Lieberman on 2006-07-24
DE Senator Joe Biden, HA Senator Daniel Inouye, CO Senator Ken Salazar, who campaigned for Lieberman on 2006-07-31
NY Senator Hillary Clinton
IL Senator Barak Obama
IN Senator Evan Bayh
NJ Senator Frank Lautenberg
DE Senator Tom Carper
CA Senator Diane Feinstein
OR Senator Mark Pryor
OR Senator Ron Wyden
NE Senator Ben Nelson
CT Representative Rosa DeLauro
CT Representative John Larson
CT Lt. Governor Kevin Sullivan
CT Secretary of State Susan Bysiewicz
CT State Comptroller Nancy Wyman
CT State Treasurer Denise Nappier
Former Democratic Party Chair John Olson
Blaber News and Commentary
All of Connecticut's State Democratic Legislators [104]
All Democratic CT candidates for U.S. Congress [105]
Both Democratic CT candidates for Governor [106]
Republican Congressman Christopher Shays.[107]
Civil Rights Leader and GA Congressman John Lewis who pledged to support Lieberman in the general election as well, regardless of the outcome.[108]

The League of Conservation Voters
CT Planned Parenthood
UNITE-HERE, The Human Rights Campaign
The CT AFL-CIO, the Food and Commercial workers, the CT Teamsters, CT Letter Carriers, Firefighters, Carpenters, Communication Workers of America Locals 1103 and 1298, Connecticut's Postal Workers, American Federation of Musicians, the National Association of Government Employees and the National Association of Letter Carriers, Branch 19. [109].
Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund has endorsed Lieberman.[110][111]
AFL-CIO and affiliated labor organizations endorsed Lieberman.[112][113] However, Connecticut AFT, the second largest AFL-CIO union in Connecticut, endorsed Lamont (see below).
Planned Parenthood Federal PAC endorsed Lieberman on June 30, 2006.[114]
NARAL Pro-choice America PAC, which lobbies for reproductive rights nationally, has endorsed Lieberman.[115] However, Carolyn Treiss, head of Connecticut NARAL, supports Lamont.[116]
Human Rights Campaign, one of the largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) equal rights organizations in the United States, has endorsed Lieberman.[117]

The Hartford Courant, the state's largest newspaper.[118]
The Connecticut Post, the state's 3rd largest paper, serving Southern Connecticut.[119]
The Washington Post, saying that he "has been faithful to the fundamental values that most Democrats associate with their party".[120]
The New York Post.[121]
On June 14, 2006, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee chairman Charles Schumer said that the DSCC might endorse Lieberman even if he runs as an independent, if Lieberman agrees to vote for Democrat Harry Reid for majority leader if elected.

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