
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Molinaro breezes, beats out Manning

Tivoli Mayor Marc Molinaro easily defeated incumbent Assemblyman Patrick Manning to win the republican nomination for the NYS 103rd Assembly district. " This is a big win for Mr. Molinaro and for the people of the 103rd district", I talked to Marc tonight to wish him a congratulations and I had a very positive conversation with him and I hung up with a good feeling of what is to come, he is going to do well said Blaber.

Mr. Molinaro faces democratic challenger Virginia Martin in November, but it is just a formality in a district that has never elected a democrat in it's history. This is just a case were party does not matter it is about getting in the most qualified person and that is Marc Molinaro.


  1. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Molinaro is one of the most phony politicians I've ever met.

    Perfect candidate for the Bush-Cheney Republican Party.

    Virginia Martin should be our next Assembly representative.

  2. I don't agree Mr.Molinaro is very genuine and caring to the needs of the people he represents he has a record of leadership that speaks for itself.


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