
Monday, September 04, 2006

Ulster Supervisor Nick Woerner cuts town taxes

Town of Ulster Supervisor Nick Woerner's combined $8.29 million general and highway budget proposal for 2007 would reduce the average homeowner's tax bill by $11 a year.

" Nick has been able to hire the necessary police to protect the towns residents, provide jobs for residents and still lower taxes said Blaber he has worked wonders for the town."

In my opinion in Woerner's first 8 months in office he has far surpassed the previous administration that was in place for several years, the Town of Ulster is lucky to have Supervisor Woerner's leadership, this tax cut is just the latest of several accomplishments Nick has achieved in a relatively short period of time. In just 8 months he has been able to drastically improve the quality of life for town residents.

Under Woerner's proposal town taxpayers would pay $5.68 per $1,000 of assessed value in 2007, down from $5.79 per $1,000, in general and highway taxes. A homeowner with a property assessed at $100,000 who paid $579 in general and highway taxes this year would pay $568 next year.

Woerner stated with the rising cost in County and School taxes town residents could use a break, "Any help the town can give its residents will benefit them" said Nick.

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