
Sunday, September 24, 2006

Van Blarcum picks up endorsement from Ulster's top Dem

Paul Van Blarcum has received the endorsement for sheriff from Town of Ulster Supervisor Nick Woerner; last week Woerner endorsed Van Blarcum praising Van Blarcum's extensive experience with the Ulster Sheriff Department making him the most qualified to be the next sheriff of Ulster County. In a light moment Paul pointed out that he has been a police officer 6 more years then Nick has been alive.

Other endorsements:

NYS Attorney General Elliot Spitzer
Ulster County Democratic Party
Ulster County Conservative Party
Ulster County Independence Party
Ulster County Deputy Sheriff's Police Benevolent Association
US Congressman Maurice Hinchey- 22nd District
NYS Assembly Member Kevin Cahill
Town of Woodstock Police PBA
City of Kingston Democratic Committee
Town of Hurley Democratic Committee
Town of Marlborough Democratic Committee
Town of New Paltz Democratic Committee
Town of Olive Democratic CommitteeTown of Rochester Democratic Committee
Town of Saugerties Democratic Committee
Town of Wawarsing Democratic Committee
Town of Woodstock Democratic Committee
City of Kingston Mayor James Sottile
Town of Shandaken Police Benevolent Association
New York State Union of Police Associations(NYSUPA)
CWA Communication Workers of America 1105
(Parent Union of the Ulster County Sheriff's Office Corrections Officers and Civilian Staff)
CSEA Ulster County Local 856 -Ulster County and Upper Hudson Valley Labor Council
County Majority Leader Jeanettee Provanvano
County Majority Whip Rob Parete
Leonard Distel - Ulster County Legislator
Mary Sheeley - Ulster County Legislator
Joseph Stoeckeler, Jr. - Ulster County Legislator
Donald Gregorius - Ulster County Legislator
Peter Kraft - Ulster County Legislator
Richard Parete - Ulster County Legislator
Gary Bischoff - Ulster County Legislator
Frank Dart - Ulster County Legislator
Hector Rodriguez - Ulster County Legislator
Lewis Kirschner - Ulster County Treasurer
City of Kingston Majority Leader Bill Reynolds
Alderman Lenny Walker
Alderman Clint Brown
Alderman Mike Madsen
Alderman Jennifer Ringwood
Alderman Anne Marie DiBella

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