
Saturday, October 21, 2006

Blaber Search for Person of the Year

Blaber News and Commentary is in search for Blaber News Person of the year and is asking for your help. Blaber News person of the year must be an active member of the community and posses significant contributions to Ulster County. The criteria contained herein have been established to provide visibility in points and ensure objective selection. The person of the year picked by Jeremy Blaber with the help of the public will receive a plaque, full page write up on and will be the first guest of 2007 on Blaber's widely popular show Late Night w/ Jeremy Blaber.

The Nominees:

Mayor James Sottile- Mayor Sottile has been a breath of fresh air for the City of Kingston and Ulster County, Mayor Sottile has dedicated his life to public service and dedicates his free time anyway he can to the community and making the City a better place to live for everyone. He has tackled crime with the cooperation of the KPD, worked hard to bring in development, successfully brought a new tenant in the industrial park that will bring in 500 new Kingston jobs, and worked hard to keep taxes in check. His love for the City and the people in our community is very reflective by his actions and behavior toward them.

Alderman Bob Senor- Alderman Senor is just a great public servant a veteran alderman of The Kingston Common Council, Alderman Senor has worked hard this last year to work make the City of Kingston a better pace. He was a leader in working with a special committee to try to better the City's recreation committee and has worked hard to work with everyone on a variety of issues in a bipartisan matter to better City government. Alderman Senor has also been instrumental in helping Kingston Public Access.

Alderman Bill Reynolds - Alderman Reynolds a 14 year alderman has shown his leadership is par none. In addition to being the Alderman of Kingston's 7th Ward he is also the Majority Leader of the City of Kingston. Reynolds has worked hard to address train horn noise that has become a safety concern in this city, he also has made proposals to provide free internet access through out this City making the internet accessible to everyone even people on a fixed income who might not be able to afford high speed internet access. Reynolds has also worked in a bipartisan manner with the Alderman in Ward 8 to develop a joint neighborhood watch were constituents can come and address there concerns directly to their Alderman.

Ulster Supervisor Nicky Woerner- Supervisor Woerner is the youngest Supervisor in the history of NYS and one of the best in just 9 months in office he has been able to settle a contract with the labor unions, hire new police to protect the residents, develop a legal police commission and lower the towns taxes and reviewing some of the tax burden on Town residents. Woerner also volunteers his time at various different community activities.

Assemblyman Kevin Cahill- Assemblyman Cahill has done such a fantastic job as our assemblyman and worked hard to bring in money and resources for our county. Although he works in Albany and has a hectic schedule he still never forgets were he came from and participates in local events and neighborhood watch program were he can address the concerns of his constituents. Assemblyman Cahill was able to secure a grant for Kingston Public Access TV that was in desperate need of funding.

Who should be Blaber News Person of the Year?
Mayor James Sottile
Alderman Bill Reynolds
Alderman Bob Senor
Supervisor Nicky Woerner
Assemblyman Cahill
Write your own nominee in our coments area
Free polls from


  1. Anonymous10:43 AM

    How about the 21 Democratic Majority of the Ulster County Legislature. They are all, respectively, doing a creditable job in keeping taxpayers in mind while working all year to end the mentality of the past Republican Administration past practices of spend and tax mentality.

  2. Anonymous5:51 PM

    1 VOTE FOR Al Spada

  3. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Alderman Ringwood

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Jeanette Provanzano

  6. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Steve Finkle

  7. Anonymous5:55 PM

    David Donaldson

  8. Anonymous12:38 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Anonymous3:04 AM

    Steve Finkle

  10. Anonymous3:05 AM


  11. Anonymous10:04 AM

    I nominate Jeremy Blaber. He will help hold all tax increases to 3% or less and bring restoration to the Carnegie Library.

  12. Anonymous6:31 PM

    I nominate Richard Cahill

    BTW, why were some votes removed? Is this Florida?? Count the votes!!

  13. Just a sie note... all votes are counted the only thing deleted are comments..I am leaving this space for votes only.

  14. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Alderman Richard Cahill

  15. Anonymous10:49 PM

    SUSAN ZIMET!!! She is an advocate children, veterans and all those residing in New York State. My vote goes to Susan Zimet.

  16. Anonymous12:35 AM

    I vote for Jeremy Blaber, your work toward this community is clear!

  17. Anonymous1:33 AM

    George Bush is the person of the year.
    He is the greatest president we've seen in a long time.

  18. Anonymous1:41 AM

    Sue Zimet... p.s. don't forget to vote on November 7th-- Zimet for Senate.

  19. Anonymous1:17 AM

    Richard Shultis "The Not So Late Show"


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