
Thursday, October 26, 2006

NYS Senate Candidate Christopher McBride on Late Night w/ Jeremy Blaber

Christopher McBride who is running for New York State Senate in the 42nd district will join Late Night w/ Jeremy Blaber this Monday at 10pm on ch.23, he will discuss his candidacy and talk about why he is the most qualified candidate to be your State Senator and what his plan is from education to reform. Feel free to call in and ask Chris questions he would be happy to answer them.

" McBride is a great guy and a man with impeccable qualifications and will bring much needed reform in Albany, I ask that you join me in supporting him to be our next Senator."

Some of McBride's endorsements have been from Attorney General Elliot Spitzer, and U.S. Senator Charles Schumer

"Chris McBride is determined to change state policies so that New York becomes a state young people want to move into, not leave from. Chris will bring his experience as a father, basketball coach and businessman to >Albany to fight for New York's middle class."

-U.S. Senator Charles Schumer

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