
Saturday, November 25, 2006

Blaber News Person of the Week: Ulster County Chairman David Donaldson

This weeks person of the week is Chairman of the Ulster County Legislator David Donaldson. Chairman Donaldson has done wonders for Ulster County, whether it be as a Kingston Alderman or the Ulster County legislator. In both of those bodies he served as minority leader and witnessed both of them come part of the Majority under his leadership. In 2005 after the democrats took back the legislator after 26 years of being in the Minority Mr. Donaldson was elected chair of that body, rightfully so.

He has served Ulster County well this year. Under his leadership with the close work of the legislator a budget was passed that is right in line with the cost of living for Ulster County residents. Also under his leadership a more important thing happened, a milestone, the passing of the Ulster County charter. This important task that will transform Ulster County to the next level and bring accountability to Ulster County was put on the ballot to be voted on. Their were great obstacles to try and prevent this including a powerful financial machine that poured thousands into seeing the charter fail. In the end that did not happen because of Chairman Donaldson and the Ulster County legislators tireless efforts the charter was successful and passed in both Kingston and Ulster County respectively.

Link of your Ulster County Legislators and contact information:


  1. Anonymous4:31 PM

    letz b serious --aka Mr. Woltman -- is nuts!!

  2. Anonymous8:34 PM

    He is the greatest, just ask him!

  3. Anonymous4:06 AM

    Seriously, you should move to Belarus. I think you will find the political climate there to your liking, Pinko! -Anonymous Anti-Socialist,Right Wing, Blame-it-on-Klinton, Pro-Life, Gun Toting, Redneck!!!!!!

  4. Anonymous4:13 AM

    In power not even a year, and the Liberal-Democratic Caucus in Ulster County is on the verge of civil war. Hee Hee....Gotta love it. I look forward to Chairman Noonan this time next year leading the Republican Majority in the Legislature.

  5. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Donaldson Sucks!!! Love, John,Rob+Rich. ;)


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