
Thursday, November 16, 2006

Clinton clear choice for 08 by NYers

New college poll finds Hillary to win nomination in 08 as well as beat both leading candidates for the gop nod in the general election.

With 14 months until the first 2008 presidential contests take place, nearly half of New York Democrats support Senator Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination, according to a new Siena College Research Institute poll of registered voters released Wednesday. In potential general election head-to-head match-ups, Clinton beats former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and Arizona Senator John McCain. Giuliani and McCain both beat Illinois Senator Barak Obama. For the first time in two years of Siena New York polls, a majority of New York voters believe that New York State is on the right track.

In head-to-head general election match-ups, Clinton would beat Giuliani 53-39 percent. She would beat McCain 55-36 percent. Giuliani would beat Obama 47-41 percent. McCain and Obama are running neck and neck, with McCain leading 40-39 percent.


  1. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Yawn. 08 is a long way away. BTW. your boy Murtha went down in flames as majority leader.. hee hee... A victory for Conservatism!!! Steny Hoyer is more Republican than half of the GOP delegation. He'll make an excellent majority leader. This looks very bad for Pelosi. Perhaps she is not the best choice to be Speaker. -GOP Avenger!

  2. Anonymous1:24 AM

    The Carpetbagger barely beats Rudy in the head to head match-up with the people in the poll...that being.NY DEMOCRATS!! Yet, this news story will play like some larger sample-space of people (everyone) give her the nod over everyone else who is running....this is how your buddies in the communist presse influence people. Sadly, this tactic works time and time's the reason why the Socialists took control of Congress last week. -Republican Avenger


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