
Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Reynolds and Council keep budget in check.. Increase under 2 percent

Alderman Bill Reynolds and the Kingston Common Council have lowered the budget to about a 1.8 % increase. A big relief for the taxpayers who originally were looking at a proposed budget that called for a 5.9 % increase. The cost of living lies around 3.3%. This is a positive thing said Blaber, the council has developed a budget that works for both the City and it's taxpaying residents.

Some of the major changes that caused such a decrease in the city budget was a savings of more then 200k in medical insurance for city employees. Also having the department heads work directly with the council on the budget of their respected departments gave a lot of insight to what is going on and what can be changed or added. The city also is discontinuing free trash service to tax exempt properties. This will save taxpayers around 75k.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Sottile must go.

    Check out my new page.

    Best regards -- Andrew


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