
Sunday, November 05, 2006

Vote on Tuesday Nov. 7th

On Tuesday November 7th please remember to get out and vote. When we vote this year we need to support candidates that have the best interest of the people at heart. Candidates that will bring much needed reform to NYS Government. Please stand with me on Nov.7th in supporting the following candidates.


Attorney General: ANDREW CUOMO

Congress: 22nd District Maurice Hinchey
19th District John Hall
20th District Kirstin Gillibrand

U.S. Senate: Hillary Clinton

NYS comptroller: Allen Hevesi

NYS Assembly: 101st Kevin Cahill
107th Kelly Keck
127th Scott Trees
103rd Marc Molinaro

NYS Senate: 42nd SUSAN ZIMET
39th Chris Mc Bride

Ulster County Sheriff: Paul Van Blarcum

Proposition 1: YES

NYS Supreme Court 3rd judicial district: Karen Peters and Gus Devine

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