
Thursday, December 28, 2006

Alderman Clint Brown a community leader

Alderman Clint Brown who represents Ward 4 on the Kingston Common Council has a record of community service in Kingston. From his work in neighborhood watch groups to his one on one constituant service approach. Alderman Brown represents a diverse ward that has it's share of problems, as many people know midtown has it's share of drugs and crime. Which is why Alderman Brown has fought diligently toward the hiring of new police and was successful in bringing in a mobile police station in Mid-Town Kingston that will operate on a grant through operation impact.

Also the kids are a top priority for Brown recognizing that our youth are the future leaders of this city and have to be a top priority. Alderman Brown volunteers his time at the Hodge center helping kids gain the skills necessary to become successful adolescents.

Alderman Brown recently joined forces with the neighboring Ward 2 Alderman Jennifer Ringwood to address the concerns of the stretch of disused railroad running under the bridge on Elmendorf Street and leased to the Catskill Mountain Railroad by Ulster County which has been a notorious thorn in the side of Midtown residents for its use as a drug and prostitution destination. As well as a place people throw their garbage. Alderman Brown and Ringwood and a group of volunteers cleaned up the are are moving refuse and cutting down out-of-control brush. This has been a significant improvement in the quality of life for residents in that area... it's the broken window theory.

I applaud Alderman Brown's efforts we need a few good alderman like Clint Brown.

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