
Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Gallo/Sottile Vision for thriving Industrial Park closer to reality

About 10 years ago our late Mayor T.R. Gallo and our current Mayor who was then Alderman- at-Large James Sottile had a vision for Kingston, and that vision was to bring in Economic Development into the City of Kingston by creating the Kingston Industrial Park. A municipality owned business park that would make business in Kingston and in Ulster County more desirable to potential developers. There vision was a great one currently the business park houses Huck Int. a fortune 500 company that employees approx. 200 full time employees.

Up until recently though that was the only company housed in the park. Many potential tenants had looked but none had gone through for whatever reason. It is a process it is not something that happens over night. It also does not help when the Republican party and members of the Republican leadership on the Kingston Common Council want the business park to fail. You see it is their goal to make sure that the business park stays empty and that business fails. They would rather keep business out then give credit to Mayor Sottile and Late Mayor Gallo.

About a year or so ago after Ameribag ( a potential tenant) failed to come into the business park the Minority Leader of the council was smiling ear to ear as if he were happy that Kingston had lost another business to the neighboring Town of Ulster. However the Minority leader underestimated Mayor Sottile and his determination to bring jobs to Kingston because just a few short months later there was a big announcement, Armor Dynamics a new company that would change the way in developing body armor for our troops had chosen Kingston's business park to develop there product and not only did they pick Kingston they vowed to bring in 570 new jobs at a living wage rate. If it had not been for Mayor Sottile's vision in creating the business park it is safe to say that Armor Dynamics would not be in Kingston and those 500 + jobs would be in another city other then our own.

It was announced on Tuesday that construction of Armor Dynamics will begin this spring. This is a big win for all Kingstonians and will help Kingston bring in much needed jobs to the area. As well as improve the quality of life. I applaud our Mayor Jim Sottile, our Alderman at Large Jim Noble. The Majority leader of the Kingston Common Council Bill Reynolds, (who also is the alderman that represents the business park) and all others that have made T.R.'s vision a reality.

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