
Sunday, December 24, 2006

Mayor Sottile's 2006 Success!

"I am proud of what I have accomplished and proud to say ... that people have put their trust in me, this job is a dream come true. It is a great job. It's difficult. It's diverse. It's fun, but it is tiring."

2006 Accomplishments :

A new tenant in the business park is expected early next year but all the work has been done this year; the company Armor Dynamics will create 560 factory jobs when at full capacity.

An increased bond rating shows the city is on the right track financially and allows the city to lower money at a lower interest rate, which in the long run lowers taxes.

Getting the Kirkland Hotel renovation project off the ground at Clinton Avenue and Main Street was a notable accomplishment, he said, as was starting a citywide property revaluation.

Also this year, he notes, the city moved to clean up junk yards along the Rondout Creek waterfront, got a 2007 budget approved with the lowest tax hike of his time in office and made progress on sewer-replacement projects.

The mayor also points out that working with agencies like the Rural Ulster Preservation Co. has paid off. Two new homes were built in Midtown, and a third on Clinton Avenue is being renovated and divided into condominiums for first-time homebuyers

The city is reaching beyond its borders, Sottile notes - selling water to the neighboring town of Ulster for the creation of the East Kingston Water district, and extending city sewer service to the area near Thruway Exit 19 (also in Ulster) to spur commercial development.

Mayor Sottile has done wonders for this city these last 6 years and we would be so lucky to have him another 6.

Mayoral Rating A+

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