
Tuesday, December 19, 2006

An open letter to Mayor James M. Sottile

Dear Mayor Sottile,

A historic event took place January 23rd 2001. After the devastating loss of Mayor T.R. Gallo you took over and took a grieving, heart broken city and made it whole again. It has not always been easy their have been people committed to your failure, people that will say(true or untrue) and do anything to discredit you. Through it all you have remained a true professional and gone to work with one thing on your mind making the city a better place, and improving the quality of life for all Kingstonians.

In your six year tenure you have increased our bond rating. Paving the way for the city to borrow money at a lower interest rate that will in the end lower our taxes. You have addressed environmental concerns that past administrations have failed to address. Economic development has been a key goal in your administration with the re-birth of the Kirkland Hotel, a beautiful building that for so long has sat dormant will reopen soon, brining fourth new businesses thanks to your efforts. Speaking of business, Armor Dynamics, will open this spring in the Kingston Business Park and bring 560 high paying jobs to this area thanks to your administration's vision for economic development in this area.

In addition to your efforts to bring in business you have also worked hard to keep taxes in check. While it has not always been easy. You have kept taxes at an affordable rate while keeping the fund balance intact.

Kingston needs responsible leadership and while it is early and I know you are focused on your job, and the many projects that you are working on to improve Kingston. I formally ask that you run for re-election as Mayor of the City of Kingston for another term. You have been arguably one of the greatest mayors in our city's rich history. I am not asking you to make a decision now do that when you are ready. Kingston is lucky to have you and your service to this community is appreciated. Their is no one I can think of that should run this city for the next 4 years then yourself. Have a happy Holidays.

-Jeremy Blaber

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