
Friday, December 15, 2006

Our Prayers and thoughts are with you Senator

As many of you have heard Senator Tim Johnson of South Dakota suffered a brain hemorrhage earlier this week and under went emergency brain surgery. The surgery was successful and Senator Johnson is doing well. However he is not out of the woods yet, his condition is stable but critical and will have a long recovery process. My thoughts are with his family at this time and I wish him a speedy recovery.

A Message from Majority Leader Harry Reid :

Dear Jeremy,

As you probably have heard by now, Senator Tim Johnson of South Dakota became ill on Wednesday and was taken to the hospital.

The thoughts and prayers of everyone here in the Senate are with Tim and his family.

Tim is getting the finest care in the world at George Washington University Hospital. I, along with Senator Daschle, were with his family on Wednesday and Thursday.

Admiral John Eisold, Attending Physician of the United States Capitol has released a statement saying, "Senator Tim Johnson has continued to have an uncomplicated post-operative course. Specifically, he has been appropriately responsive to both word and touch. No further surgical intervention has been required."

As Senator Johnson continues his recovery, the Senate continues to prepare for the 110th Congress. There's a lot to do on behalf of the American people, and we are looking forward to getting to work next year.

Please keep Senator Johnson in your prayers.

Thank you,

Harry Reid

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