
Saturday, December 30, 2006

Ulster GOP Website tries to get between Blaber and Mayor

The Ulster County Republican website as many of you know (well maybe you don't , no one looks at there phony partisan stories) has decided to post a rumor that had circulated that Jeremy Blaber had contacted the BOE to see the process needed to run for mayor in an attempt to try and stat trouble between Mayor Sottile (who has not decided if he is running yet) and myself. As well as to cause trouble with the democratic party in general. As we all know the republican party in Kingston can't agree on anything and their is constant in house fighting and they are jealous the dems can work together and stand united. This hurts them and they will stop at nothing to try and pull us all apart.

Here is the actual insert from The Ulster Republican Blog :

Rumor #2: We've learned that a popular Democratic Committeeman, blogger and Kingston Public Access TV Host has contacted the Ulster County Board of Elections to find out the steps that need to be taken to run for Mayor of Kingston. This is an important rumor because it tells us that the same person may be interested in running for mayor himself, plus it tells us that Mayor Sottile won't be running.

Now the blog master who I know and he is not a bad guy could have called and asked me if this rumor was true or not but of course that would defeat there purpose of trying to discredit and pull Democrats apart. The site is regularly filled with partisan hate and lies about the democratic party. Yes, the kool aide flows freely over there. Now to address there comments, I am NOT running for mayor in 2007 or 2011 for that matter. At this time I have no desire to be the city's chief executive I think the current one is doing just fine. I also never went to the BOE to find out how to run for the position for the record I know the process all too well. As far as running for a spot on the Kingston Common Council? Maybe...who knows.

Some advice to my friends at stop being so partisan and stop politicizing everything. Also Public servants who work together with one another are not sellouts there democrats....No seriously there public servants and if we had more of them and less politicians with there fighting and backstabbing to promote there own agendas. Then the PEOPLE would be better off. Yes the keyword being the people as many republicans forget public service is not about Mayor Sottile or Alderman Cahill or Alderman Reynolds it is about the people the sooner our elected officials realize this and gets back to that mindset the better.

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