
Monday, January 29, 2007

Blaber News Person of the Week Mayor James Sottile

This week's Blaber News Person of the Week is Kingston Mayor Jim Sottile. His hard work and dedication to the city is clear, so is his vision for the future.
The Kirkland hotel is now a reality, the Walgreens on Broadway has broken ground, and the environmental concerns of our once industrial past addressed. This Spring, Armor Dynamics, will sign a contract to move into Kingston's Industrial Park. This company will bring fourth over 600 factory jobs at full capacity. These jobs are possible because Sottile had the insight to build the Industrial Park. The Kirkland is also a reality because Sottile had the insight to restore it. A police precinct will open on Broadway to address the quality of life crimes that are a gloaming reality in Midtown. The city's bond rating has gone up 3 times in the last few years, showing the city is in good fiscal shape under Sottile's leadership. This also allows Kingston to borrow money at a lower interest rate..which lowers taxes. Speaking of taxes, under Sottile, the common council just passed a budget with a mere 2.5 increase. The lowest rate in 5 years and the hike was within the cost of living. I could go on and on. The leadership under the Sottile administration is simply top notch and unmatchable.

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