
Friday, January 19, 2007

Help Elect Craig Johnson to the NYS Senate, and bring Governor Spitzer one step closer to true reform in Albany

Help elect Craig Johnson to the New York State Senate, and give Governor Spitzer a man that will work to bring true reform to NYS Government. Craig Johnson has a true record of reform in Nassau County as a county legislator and will bring his leadership skills to the NYS Senate. Check out his website and see what he has done to reform Nassau County and what he will do for New York State. While you may not be able to vote for Craig, you can help him by volunteering for his campaign, any help will be appreciated.

To help out whether it be phone banking, canvassing in Nassau, handing out fliers, or anything else contact The Craig Johnson Campaign by clicking this link.

Craig Johnson's Endorsements:

  • New York State Governor Eliot Spitzer
  • Nassau County Executve Tom Suozzi
  • Democratic Committeeman Jeremy Blaber
  • New York State Assemblyman Tom DiNapoli
  • New York State Assemblyman Charles Lavine
  • Nassau County Presiding Officer Judy Jacobs
  • Nassau County Legislator Kevan Abrahams
  • Nassau County Legislator Roger Corbin
  • Nassau County Legislator Joe Scannell
  • Nassau County Legislator Jeff Toback
  • Nassau County Legislator Lisanne Altmann
  • Nassau County Legislator Dave Mejias
  • Nassau County Legislator Diane Yatauro
  • Nassau County Legislator David Denenberg
  • North Hempstead Town Supervisor Jon Kaiman
  • North Hempstead Town Councilman Robert Troiano
  • North Hempstead Town Councilman Tom Dwyer
  • North Hempstead Town Councilman Wayne Wink
  • North Hempstead Town Councilwoman Lee Seeman
  • North Hempstead Town Councilman Fred Pollack
  • North Hempstead Town Clerk Michelle Schimel
  • North Hempstead Town Receiver of Taxes Rocco Iannarelli
  • Empire State Pride Agenda
  • NARAL Pro-Choice New York
  • Planned Parenthood of Nassau County Action Fund
  • Planned Parenthood Advocates of New York

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