
Thursday, January 25, 2007

Just call him: Bipartisan Bob

By definition Bipartisanship is marked by or involving cooperation, agreement, and compromise between two major political parties; that fits Alderman Senor to a tee. Now this is a good thing you would think, right? (You know, doing what is best for the people not the party.) Not if your Phil Cosme or Rich Cahill....No, to them Senor is an awful person for working with those "big bad Democrats." They think Alderman Senor should tout there party line 100% of the time. That is the problem with the Republican party, if you don't agree with them and support them at all costs then you are not in their little click. People are sick of the Good old boy system, and want leadership and bipartisanship. Elected officials that will work together with both sides. Alderman Senor has been called " Bobby Sottile" and ''a Democrat in Republican clothes'' b y members of his own party. One member is even threatening to primary him. Why are Republicans picking on Alderman Senor? After all he is a Republican. The answer is Alderman Senor did what is best for his constituents not just his party and that upsets the Republican Party to no end. Obviously Alderman Senor is neither a relative of our great mayor, or a Democrat in Republican clothes. He is however something that the Republican party knows nothing about, a good public servant, that cares about Kingston. As a Democrat, I support Bob Senor and think he is doing a great job.


  1. Anonymous12:56 PM

    It works both ways. In the legislature Mr Donaldson voted with the Republicans on an issue and Mr Parete said all Republicans voted that way. mocking Mr Donaldson. So I guess that makes Mr Parete ??????

  2. Anonymous4:42 PM

    I have never referred to Alderman Senor as an "awful person". I am proud to serve with Alderman Senor and take great exception to your remark, Mr. Blaber.

  3. What nonsence Rich, you are the most political person on the council. Everything for you is Dem or Rep. their is no middle ground with you, unlike your fellow Republican and Democratic Alderman. You have spent your tenure being part of the problem, instead of being part of the solution. Even your comments it's not about praising's about defending yourself. The City of Kingston does not revolve around you. Grow up.

  4. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Let's not forget, democrats tried to get Alderman Walker off the Democrat ticket. And Mrs DiBella said (in essence), Mr Walker no longer represents the "DEMOCRATS" ideas or way of life. (Something to that effect). This happend when Walker voted against a few Democrat proposed ideas. You democrats are NOT immune, Jeremy.

  5. Anonymous9:15 AM

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  7. Anonymous3:12 AM

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