
Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Thank You

Judge Edward Feeney announced his retirement today as Kingston City Court Judge after serving in the position for 12 years and several years as special city court judge prior to that time. Judge Feeney's retirement is expected to take effect sometime in March but as early as February. A definite date will be announced in the next few days. I would like to personally thank Judge Feeney for his great service to Kingston's Judicial system. He is a stand up guy and has been a great judge. The picture above is of Judge Feeney with two members of the Drug treatment Court which he helped establish and took great pride in.

Mayor Sottile is responsible for appointing a replacement until a special election can be held. I would hope that he appoints the position to current special city court Judge James Gilpatrick; a man of great integrity and a fine understanding of the current court system in the City of Kingston.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:33 AM

    A City of Criminals? 145 cases per day! Let's say 100 per day, 20 days a month for 10 months.
    That's 20,000 per year - population 23,000.


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