
Sunday, February 11, 2007

Bill's Dems announce plans for re-election

Alderman Reynolds and the members of the Democratic caucus have all announced their plans to run again in November, except for Alderman Walker, who has foolishly chosen to run for higher office.

I wish all the candidates the best of luck, the city needs their continued leadership.


  1. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Whi is seeking higher office "foolish"? If Alderman Walker wants to run for higher office, that's his right as a citizen. It will be up the voters to decide if he deserves it. But, to call him foolish is foolish indeed.

  2. Anonymous7:48 AM

    When is running for higher office foolish? When you are doing a terrible job like Lenny Walker is doing now. I have never heard a more disjointed speaker in my life. His ramblings are nothing short of gibberish. His anti-crime, anti-graffiti, press orgies are clearly pandering to the publics fears and anger. He is the lowest form of politician, an opportunist with no substance. So when you ask when is it foolish to seek higher office? The answer is clear, when you have already surpassed your level of incompetence as Lenny Walker has!

  3. Anonymous2:45 PM

    I can't wait to hear how angry you are when Lenny beats Sottile!!

  4. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Have you REALLY listened Mr. Walkers ideas. The next time he's on TV or at a public speaking event go and listen to what he has to say...really focus on him and listen. He really makes very little sense. If he were to be the next Mayor you would have nothing more than a chaotic mess.

  5. Anonymous1:09 AM

    I'm voting for Lenny because it's time that Kington had a Black Brother as its Mayor. for so long the Whitey Mayors..Hell, there even was a Mayor in the 80s named WHITE, for too long the white mayors have ignored the African American people in the city.

    I encourage All African Americans in the city to register Democratic and vote for Lenny Walker in the Primary. Take your city back, my beautiful black brothers and sisters!!!!!!

    Grady from Franklin St.

  6. Anonymous2:03 PM

    I would have no problem with an African American Mayor...don't get me wrong. I am just saying Mr. Walker is not the best qualified to run our city. As for the Whitey Mayors comment ..we won't even waste our time responding to such ridiculous talk.....white or black is irrelevant, it's who is the best qualified for the job!


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