
Friday, March 30, 2007

Alderman Brown may reconsider and run for another term

Alderman Clinton Brown may reconsider and run for another term as Alderman of the fourth ward, I sure hope so. I read with great disappointment a few weeks ago when Alderman Brown decided not to run for another term. During his tenure as Alderman a lot of important things have been accomplished and I feel his work in the ward is not yet completed. I urged him to reconsider and run another term and finish the important works he has started including crime fighting, with the opening of a police precinct in Mid Town, the fight for quality and affordable housing amoung other accomplishments. Alderman Brown also worked with the D.A. and Sheriff Van Blarcum to create URGENT, which is a task force, made up of several police departments that will effectively decrease crime throughout Ulster County. I am pleased to report, I have it on the best sources Alderman Brown may very well reconsider and run for another term.

Please tell us your opinion...

Should Alderman Brown run for another term?
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  1. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Alderman Brown!! Save us from
    Matt Ryan!!! Please RUN!

  2. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Let me get this right?
    Matt Ryan wants to be Alderman?
    How long has he lived here?
    1 year? Matt Go back to NYC

    Long Time Ward 4 Resident

  3. Anonymous10:25 AM

    No Vote por Mat Ryan

  4. Anonymous11:27 AM

    As someone who lives and works
    in midtown we need Clint Brown more then ever. Please Mr. Brown

  5. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Been to several neighborhhod watch meetings. To his credit Mr. Ryan was there but it is clear he does not understand our community


  6. Anonymous11:35 AM

    As an African American we are lucky
    to have Mayor Sottile and Clint Brown for Kingston. Jeremy this is
    the first smart thing you have done. Still dont know if I an going to vote for you on the school


  7. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Clint Brown=Love

  8. Anonymous1:28 PM


    You have my vote. But please when you give me a ride next time if you
    are going to have on an 'air supply' CD let me walk


  9. Anonymous2:02 PM

    What did you say WILLIS?

    Clint is the man
    to get the job done
    Go Clint go
    Clint is the man who has the flow
    Go Clint go
    Clint is the man
    who the ladies say look like Denzel
    Go Clint go
    Clint is the man with the master plan
    go Clint go
    Clints like pac man
    for the avarge Joe
    go Clint go
    Clint the one for me
    go Clint go

  10. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Clint Brown so noble and mighty
    Run Clint Run
    Dont run so fast
    We got your back
    Run Clint Run
    Ok you got to deal with Lenny
    Run Clint Run
    Dont worry about it dont look back
    Run Clint Run
    We know you get pissed off
    but it aint nightly
    Run Clint Run
    Being out by the library
    we know it aint fun
    Run Clint Run
    Looking at Cosmo
    popping his pills
    Run Clint Run
    Trying to help make the city run
    is that so fun?
    Run Clint Run
    You are my hero
    and you aint no zero
    Run Clint Run

    J.Winston Smidlap
    City of Kingston
    Poet Laurete

  11. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Here comes Clint Brown
    Painting the town.
    Thats right he aint no clown.
    Flowing like the wind is the
    best he can do.Fighting the tricks is what he can do. He stings like Ali
    Fraser to. But that is no what he like to do.
    He likes a mixed drink now and then
    but dont stop to think when he was thin. When you look at Clint nod and grin and just tell him to win.

  12. Anonymous11:22 AM

    hope if he runs again we don't get any more of these stupid poems

  13. Anonymous12:53 PM

    I enjoy the poems



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