
Thursday, March 22, 2007

Assemblyman Molinaro starts " Weekly Highlights"

Assemblyman Marc Molinaro started a weekly highlight feature on his personal website, ( this feature will allow residents of the 103rd district to keep tabs on what their state representative is doing for them. This is open government at it's best said Blaber, Assemblyman Molinaro continues to lead by example in the state legislature.

For more information check out his website at :

Week of March 12th


Met with representatives of the NYS Medical Society and Hudson River Healthcare. Attended assemblysession and voted on budget bills. Offered a budget amendment to extend the Empire State Child Tax Credit to parents of all children (currently only parents of children 4 to 17 qualify). Represented at a meeting with Family Practice Center of Hyde Park. Met with Pleasan Valley Councilman Bruce Donegan and other area veterans at the American Legion State Conference breakfast. As ranking member of the Assembly Committee on Libraries, attended and met with representatives at the NY Library Association breakfast. Metwith NYS Commissioner of Education Mills. Met with local representatives from the Catholic Conference.
Discussed issues with Dutchess County Tourism Promotion Agency Director Mary Kaye Vrba and Millertonbusiness owners. Represented at meeting with NYS Farm Bureau, Mid Hudson Library Association and United University Professionals. Met with members of NYS Organization for Management / Confidential Employees. Honored by the Hudson River Valley Greenway Boards at their monthly meeting in Albany. Hosted Assembly television and radio. Met with representatives from Dutchess and Columbia Mental Health Associates. Hosted the Hudson Middle School After-school program in the Assembly Chambers. Met with representative from Hudson Valley Fresh. Attended highway superintendents’ lunch at Dover Town Hall. Joined Red Hook County Legislator Dave Seymour at a reception for Republican County Legislators. Attended opening session of the Hudson Valley Agriculture Partnership at Columbia Greene Community College. Attended information session regarding affordable senior housing at the Red Hook Firehouse. Attended the NYS PTA Legislative Luncheon in Poughkeepsie. Attended Brian Shikarides’ Eagle Scout Ceremony at Taconic Hills High School. Attended Sen. Vinnie Leibell’s St. Patrick’s Celebration.


A06367 Provides an itemized deduction for expenses for course-mandated supplies
for eligible college students.


  1. Anonymous10:10 AM

    It is to bad that Mr. Molinaro...Who you think is
    wonderful used the Red Hook
    High School to stage a political event on the taxpayer dime. If
    Kevin Cahill used Kingston High
    I am sure that your new friends
    on 23 would be upset. Also Mr
    Molinaro is against a womans
    right to choose and againt gay rights. Dont be fooled by someone like him Mr. Blaber

    The Bookworm

  2. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Get a life. Molinaro didn't use the High School for a political event, were you there? I was.

    He spoke to students about being active in their community, getting involved and making a difference.

    This is the school he supports, attended and credits with inspiring his public service. It was, by the way, his Democratic Assemblywoman who visited the school when he was was a student, that encouraged his public service.

    Regardless of his personal opinion on abortion, his public record shows his consistent support for women's health issues, family planning and respect for the difficult decisions related to bringing life into the world.

    Some of his closest friends are gay. He supports them.

    What world do you live in, where our friends must all agree with one another? I am a Democrat and it sickens me to see the partisan rhetoric coming from these small minded individuals. You are just as bad as the crowd in the White House.

    I have known Marcus for 5 years. He is among the most decent people I know. He is also open minded, respectful and tolerant of others' views. He listens and learns from others and absolutely does not expect his friends to agree with him. Certainly, a trait the bookworm needs to acquire.

    DISGUSTED Democrat

  3. Anonymous10:28 AM

    So the report that he had a pseudo swearing in ceremony at Red Hook HS was false?

    If he did do that, Who was it for and what public service did it promote?

  4. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Marc Molinaro has been visitng public schools across the country since first being elected. He has spoken at my class.

    You have to see his presentation! He passionately inspires young people to make a difference in their own lives and the lives of their community.

    The event at Red Hook was a "swearing in" and community send off of a young many who credits his school for inspiring him to serve others. His message is refreshing and much needed. The kids enjoy his comments, and they loved the event in Red Hook.

    Just because his former opponent and three partisans complained, doesn't mean he didn't perform a service.

    He was, he is and he will always be welcome in my classroom. Other officials should come down off their high pedestals and talk to our youn people, like Marcus does.

  5. Anonymous3:38 PM

    That is wrong and Mark knows it. If
    my child was in the High School I would have done a formal complaint.
    You GOP'S want it both ways. If Mayor Sottile had a public event at KHS every GOP troublemaker would be up in arms. You people say you want smaller govt? How much did that 'event' cost Red Hook Schools. Just like that propaganda you crank out on Public Acccess.


  6. Anonymous8:40 PM

    You are crazy!

    Molinaro helped organize visits from Democrat and Republican officials. If you knew anything about him, you would know how important he feels public service and young peoples' exposure to it is.

    The kids at the High School all had to watch Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth," no one complained. All the candidates for town and county office, visited 2 years ago and Molinaro has spoken to the school every year he has been elected.

    Imagine if all our officials took the time to meet with our kids, instead of the losers just complaining.

  7. Anonymous8:41 PM

    By the way, I have been and remain a Red Hook Democrat!

  8. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Hey anonymous in Red Hook let me
    do you are favor....Let me get you a change of registration card from board of elections.


  9. Anonymous9:37 AM

    So I understand, in order to be a Democrat in my community, I must only support the same mindless, nit wits you do? I am to think only the way you do? It is no wonder Molinaro keeps beating the pathetic individuals who chose partisan attacks over public service. Keep it up, sounds like a real positive strategy.


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