
Friday, March 16, 2007

Cahill rules out Judge race and decides to seek re-election for alderman

I guess this is the big week for GOP officials backing out, sources close to Alderman Cahill tell me the outspoken Alderman of the sixth ward is going to announce this week he will run another term as Alderman....No surprise here. Cahill milked the free press for all it was worth but in the end he did what we all knew he would do: run for what he thinks he can win, sixth ward alderman. Not if Bob Gillon has anything to say about it.

Rich Cahill called me today and stated he has not made a decision on what he is running for...he stated he has not yet ruled out running for judge yet. I still trust my source but have no reason to doubt Mr.Cahill. One thing for sure, the alderman is apparently a regular reader of


  1. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Whatever he runs for he will win, make no mistake about that. I haven't heard Cahill declare for any particular office. Are you sure your close-to-the-alderman sources know what they are talking about?
    Zippy TWC

  2. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Jeremy, I have not made any decisions yet. I have not declared for Alderman, nor have I ruled out running for Judge. You should not print rumors as fact. You end up with egg on your face.

    Richard T. Cahill Jr.

  3. Anonymous1:56 PM

    I just read the introduction of what this blog is supposed to be about, and I agree, there is information found here, and I have to say, many times you beat the Freeman with the news (which might not be all that difficult to do), but what is lacking in the description is that this is a Republican bashing blog, as far as the postings you write. I give you credit for the most of the time accurate info, and for someone your age being interested in politics, when many of your peers take no interest. But.....when you continue with the blatant Democrats are always right, Republicans are always wrong, you must be smart enough to know you lose so much credibility, because any intelligent person knows that both parties have good people and bad people. I like Rich Cahill. I watch him every Monday night, and I urged him to run for Mayor, and I am a life-long enrolled Democrat. I could not agree more with the Democrats on the national level (on most issues, anyway), and everytime I see this moron President and a Vice-President who could not be more aptly named, I have to change the channel before I vomit. But.....on local issues, I could not agree more with most of what Rich Cahill believes. That is where we are different. You see an "R" and find a reason to disagree and taunt. You see a "D", and find a reason to love. I see a candidate, forget the R&D, listen to their opinion, see if it makes sense, and then decide. As I said, when you are as partisan as yourself, there is no credibility and very little respect for any opinion you give. You give me an issue, and I know exactly what your position is going to be before I read anything. And....wake up, the people of Ward 6 love Cahill, so they will have the only "say" that is necessary.

  4. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Oh come on, who cares? We all know this nimrod is running for again. I thought he was going to make his "announcement" on St. Patrick's Day (LOL) what an insult to our venerated saint!

  5. Anonymous10:25 AM

    he can't even spell is own name - "cahoill" - is he mixing his name with "a-hole"? hey did you see that poll he did for himself? he was getting killed, so he took it off

  6. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Yes, Mr. Blaber can you ask Mr. Cahill about the 'poll' one of his friends took. He was not doing well.


  7. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Yes, Mr. Blaber can you ask Mr. Cahill about the 'poll' one of his friends took. He was not doing well.



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