
Friday, March 23, 2007

Cahill upset at Tony

Rich Cahill is apparently upset at Tony Kingstonian, the author of The Kingst'Onion, a widely popular progressive blog, that tends to make pithy comments about the outspoken Minority Leader on a regular basis. Cahill proclaimed on his low-rated KPA program that he in fact knows who is behind the Kingst'Onion. He went further to say he would confront the author if they did not step up and admit their identity on there own. That's funny is Alderman Cahill not the poster boy of he not the one that cries that the big mean Democrats want to take his show off the air? But yet he wants to strong arm a blogger that if nothing else provides people with daily amusement. Cahill claims the author has a public access show and is friends with many Democratic pol's, but he himself is not a public official...sound familiar? The simple-minded alderman is alluding to the fact that I am behind the website. I wish I could take credit for the website but it is NOT me. If Cahill, an attorney, would of done one ounce of research he would of noticed Tony and myself seem to be supporting a different candidate for the Ulster County Distict Attorney's race.

So if Cahill tries to tell you that I am behind The Kingst'Onion, just do what you do every other time Cahill speaks: Nod, shake your head and look for the nearest exit.


  1. Anonymous5:09 AM

    6b. CONTENT RESPONSIBILITY Member acknowledges and agrees that Pyra neither endorses the contents of any Member communications nor assumes responsibility for any threatening, libelous, obscene, harassing or offensive material contained therein, any infringement of third party intellectual property rights arising therefrom or any crime facilitated thereby.

  2. Anonymous11:22 AM

    What happened to your promise just a few days ago to stop attacking Cahill??

  3. Anonymous6:46 PM

    That first responder, I don't know what the hell he/she's talking about, but thanks for impressing us with your vocabulary. Jeremy, how many days did it take you to break that promise? Perhaps hours is a better time period. If you had actually listened to Rich Cahill Monday night, objectively, instead of through your partisan filter, you would have realized that he was not infringing on free speech, as you imply. As a matter of fact, he publicized the blog and gave the web address. What he did say was that if you're going to constantly berate somebody, again for political purposes, then have the cajones to state your name. That way, if you're a Democratic party committee person, we'll know where you're coming from, and what your purpose is. As for nod and turning your head, it is obvious to anyone with a brain that Cahill certainly has you and the city Democrats attention, doesn't he? It is too bad he decided not to run for Mayor. He decided not to, and you're still scared of him. I know that will be denied, but the actions of you and others tells me more than words that those in office are really scared he's making too much sense.

  4. Anonymous12:04 AM

    The first responder, Jeremy should read this :)
    Terms of Service for

  5. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Lenny Walker gets press to but no one takes him in a serious way. Is
    Walker a threat no...same thing with the rest of the GOP ticket.


  6. Anonymous9:51 AM

    How sad... Dick Cahill both the big and small version, are the best the Republicans can offer. If the Republicans have to worry about what is on a friggin' blog, vs. getting out there and finding good, solid candidates, they have their priorities screwed up. A blind man could see it is all about the Dick's and nothing else matters. If Little Dick wants to pick a fight with someone who is not in Government then he is wasting his energy.
    Do us all a favor Cahill, run for Mayor,lose, then you can get back to your wonderful legal career and put us out of our misery.

  7. Anonymous12:15 AM

    For Lenny and Rich, Even bad press is good press. :)

  8. Anonymous6:25 AM

    hey jeremy do you like that blog cahill (small version) put together and he hides behind a phony name (scott hagerty)?

  9. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Cahill is not the author of Kingstonploitics101. I am.
    Zippy TWC

  10. Anonymous8:52 AM

    cahill (small version) IS the author - it's so obvious

  11. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Cahill is not the author of Kingston Politics 101; I'm flattered you think so

  12. Anonymous2:16 PM

    cahill you dipshit, stop calling yourself scott - we all know its you


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