
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Phones are back up...Thanks for your cooperation (for the most part)

After about a month of the phones being off the air, they are back up and running. Someone had stole a piece of the internet phone that caused the interruption. Thanks to a generous donor the piece was replaced. For the most part producers and members of KPA were very cooperative with the situation and even came up with an alternative way to take calls by using their cell phone. Clark Richter's a/k/a "an investigative journalist" took a much different approach...he attacked me and went overboard by saying I stole the piece myself. I hope he did a detailed investigation before throwing around such a batty accusation, this simpleton is as much an investigative journalist as I am a fitness instructor. Thank you to Robb Kinnin who was down at the studio with me till 10:30pm setting the new phone service up.

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