
Monday, March 26, 2007

Sottile does it again..............

Another brilliant idea has come from the City's Chief Executive James Sottile, the mayor is going to work with the Sheriff's Department to have inmates convicted of non-violent crimes pick up leaves for senior citizens who can't do it themselves. This idea comes after Alderman Cahill had concerns for seniors over a law that would make leaf-bagging mandatory. Unlike Sottile's critics he did not pout and complain over Cahill's criticism but instead came up with a solution, a good solution I might add.

"Taxpayers are paying their room and board, why not put them to work?" Sottile said. I could not agree more. Cahill is in the paper saying he would not be opposed as long as it does not take away city jobs..... WOW.... Mr.Conservative really knows how to play both sides to his advantage, it's sickening. Union President Bart Robbins seems to be buying into this nonsence. Bart...listen very carefully...... Mandatory Leaf-Bagging will not cut jobs! It will free up worker's and put them in areas were they are needed.


  1. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Evidently you do not follow the Cahill Chronicle's show too carefully; if you had you would have heard Cahill Sr. reccommend prisoners doing such work quite some time back, when leaf-bagging first reared its ugly head. Surprisingly, the Mayor feels that residents bagging leaves by hand is a step forward. Since when is hand labor a step forward? Just pick the leaves up with a machine! Wait until this goofy law passes and residents are told that there is a limit to the number of bags that can be placed at the curb, that there is a specified period of time the leaves can be placed at the curb, that residents are responsible for leaves falling in the road, and that it is a class A misdemeanor for not filing the leaves in alphabetical order. The Council really needs to attend to those things which are a problem to residents. I don't recall hearing that residents or the DPW were upset about leaf collection the way it was. Unless a new system makes leaf collection easier and cheaper for the public and the DPW, "le3ave" it alone.
    Zippy TWC

  2. Anonymous12:05 PM

    way to go Zippy! Your comments are right-on!

  3. Anonymous12:09 PM

    who cares about the leaves anyway?pick em up and shut up!


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