
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Cahill challenges Sottile for Mayor

So it's official Cahill has challenged Sottile for Mayor. Those of you waiting for me to "bury" Alderman Cahill on my blog, as I have been asked by many to do, will be disappointed. I wish Cahill the best of luck, I hope the race stays fair and to the issues at hand. I give Alderman Cahill a lot of credit for stepping up to the plate, and running for an office that even he knows will be nearly imposable to win. Democrat Jim Sottile, brings fourth a record of accomplishment that he will run on. When it's all said and done, I believe Sottile will win with a mandate, and rightfully so. Nonetheless it should be an interesting race.


  1. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Well Jeremy, I am impressed and surprised at your fair coverage of this story. You are right to give Cahill credit for stepping up to the plate. He has to know that he will be subjected to the lowest forms of personal criticism, filthy innuendo, and unfair, scurrilous attacks. I'm sure what will be hurled at him during the mayoral campaign will be far worse than what has already come his way, courtesy of those fearful of him and the tenacity with which he takes on an issue. In spite of all of this, he agrees to battle the entrenched politicos for the good of the City. Ask the people of the 6th Ward. He is one heck of an Alderman who represents the people, no matter what. The voters recognize this and know he will do the same as Mayor. Do not underestimate his ability to reach the people, and the people’s ability to recognize a good leader who has their best interests at heart.

  2. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Zipp (Zippy TWC??) always is right on.

  3. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Little Dick will be throwing mud like crazy. Did you hear him on KCR this morning attacking DiBella and Sottile for helping the homeless? This putz actually cut them up for buying gifts out of town. And when DiBella corrected him on that, he blew it off!

  4. Anonymous10:11 AM

    to Pip:
    I heard the remarks made by Cahill and the retort by de Bella. Cahill maintained the Mayor & BD should have supported Kingston businesses rather than take the money outside of town. DB's answer was to accuse Cahill of not liking children and wanting to deprive them of a happy Christmas. The spin was so fast, you could almost smell the scent of fear.

  5. Anonymous7:47 AM

    if they feared anything, it was that Kingston could produce such a moron and little dick as a candidate


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