
Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Kingston Council follows Blaber's lead and takes first step toward property tax reform

In a bipartisan, and unanimous vote the Kingston Common Council's Finance committee voted on a memorializing resolution that I brought forward, asking that the State Legislature look at alternative ways of funding public education through property taxes. I'm very happy that this has moved forward, and we are one step closer to real property tax reform. People have talked about changing the way schools are funded for years, but I think with Governor Spitzer in office, who ran of Property tax reform, now is a perfect time to address this legislation.

On a similar note : Assemblyman Kevin Cahill will be addressing the Districtwide PTA Council, and answering questions on the way public schools are funded. The meeting will be tomorrow at 7pm, in the Kingston Council Chambers.


  1. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Brian Woltman must have Cahill running scared already if he's coming to City Hall tonight to put on this dog and pony show. I wonder if he got a permission slip from Shelly Silver to host tonight's event.

  2. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Now that is funny. I don't think Kevin is too worried a year and half away from election day. Why are you bashing Kevin? He is doing what he is suppose to do! Kevin gets it and always has. He has been advocating property tax reform for years. Everryone else is catching up to him!

    Check out our group

    We are informed, knowledgeable voters who support Kevin's efforts!

  3. Just a quick note: All comments being made in this area are done in a 3rd party,and not by myself. I also allow any comments to be posted as long as they are appropriate, even if I do not agree with their content.

    I certainly support Assemblyman Cahill, as well as his efforts toward property tax reform.


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