
Friday, April 27, 2007

Sottile to the rescue....... kids now have fresh milk at local soup kitchen

" When you have a seven-year-old coming in with their family to eat, our beverage choices are limited. What are you going to say? Do you want coffee with that?"

Diane Reeder

There's a new item on the menu at the Queens Galley soup kitchen on Washington Avenue: fresh milk. After getting by on the powdered stuff for nearly a year, the food program, which provides three meals a day, seven days a week, year-round, has struck a deal with a local dairy to obtain fresh milk at a deep discount, thanks to Mayor Jim Sottile.

Diane Reeder, who runs the Queens Galley, supplies meals to the less fortunate three times a day and seven days a week, but was forced to serve powdered milk due to the rising costs of milk. The Queens Galley runs solely on donations and private funding. One day when Mrs. Reeder was talking with Sottile about something, he asked in his usual generous fashion : What else can I do for you?

This lead to a phone call to Boice's dairy which agreed to provide the milk at wholesale cost, another local supporter is picking up the rest. This shows the power of a community and our Mayor working together. Mayor Sottile is always going the extra mile, and we at Blaber's News and Commentary commend his efforts.


  1. Anonymous12:38 AM

    It's Only a Image!

  2. Anonymous1:05 AM

    WOW, what a nice thing to do. Jimmy is a community leader. What is Cahill doing for the community? Oh, that dopey tv show.

  3. Anonymous2:32 AM

    Must be an election year.
    Political Photo Opportunity For Jimmy.

    Cahill, Would have done the same thing.

  4. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Little Dick and Lenny Stalker are too busy being assh***s to do anything good for the community.

  5. Anonymous7:51 PM

    You anger, Mr. Woltman, suggests you are either scared Cahill and Walker might win or you are jealous of them because people listen to them instead of you. Considering that you call yourself the "smartest man in Kingston", it must just drive you crazy.

  6. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Great news for Diane Reeder and the patrons of the Queens Galley. She works tirelessly to bring meals to people in need, but does not receive either the breaks or the credit she deserves. Thank you, Your Honor, for using your office to help uplift the community.

  7. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Now it looks like Stalker and Little Dick want to screw over the handicapped - and the arts scene all at once! See the paper today.

  8. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Sottile is in the position to call up any business and say, Listen this is the mayor...... we need a donation of whatever. Good chance for a little pr for me and you.

  9. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Your site has become a haven for small minds and dirty mouths. Since I have neither, I won't bother coming here anymore.
    Zippy TWC

  10. Anonymous5:03 PM

    That whole article is BS, Brian. Cahill and Walker ANMD the Democrats on that committee voted to give the money to fighting crime and drug dealing. That's a hell of a lot more important than building a toilet.

  11. " Zippy"

    I have started posting comments, I usually would not post, but I have done so on both sides of the aisle. I have decided to post all comments to be fair. I would ask that people try to be appropriate, sometimes things get heated. I understand.

    - ADMIN

  12. Anonymous2:31 PM

    B.S. Jeremy...All Comments? What about the comment saying we will see Sottile catching a baby from the 3rd floor window in a couple of weeks?

  13. Anonymous3:28 PM

    You might consider scrapping this whole blog thing. It seems to have taken on a life of its own. You want to be on the school board but condone the sort of thing printed on this blogsite? Bad choice, sir.

  14. I don't condone any comments made on this website. I take responsibility for the blog postings. Everything else is done 3rd party.

  15. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Little Dick just can't help himself, can he, Jeremy? Now he's issuing threats about the school board. Sounds like the same crap he pulled on Valerie.
    - Pippy Jocularity

  16. Anonymous4:47 PM

    what crap is that Pippy?

  17. Anonymous9:59 AM

    hey what did little dick make for his fundraiser? $50?

  18. Anonymous2:53 PM

    what do you care what he made at the fundraiser?

  19. Anonymous10:03 AM

    To answer commentator #17, I counted about 7 cars outside of the Kozy the night of his fundraiser, if that gives you any idea.

  20. Anonymous9:37 AM

    to the car counter: You drve by places and count cars? What an idiot!

  21. Anonymous7:16 PM

    I only count cars when I don't have to count too little dick's case, it was an easy count


All comments are published at my discretion. Comments are the opinions of the individuals leaving them and do not necessarily reflect the views of this blog. Comments are intended to be a means of reaction to a specific post and will be moderated for relevance, obscenity, libel or hateful and defamatory language. Do not submit commercial, off-topic or other copyrighted material.