
Thursday, May 24, 2007

Cosme Soliciting Money on TV, continues to break the rules

Cosme continues to break the rules of the KPA Commission and get away with it. Cosme who was instrumental in getting Mike Marnell of the air for raising money on KPA, has decided he will do the same thing. This is not just hypocritical, but proves that Phil is as slimy as they come. For the last two weeks Phil has asked people to send him 5-10 dollars a month to save his program because his taxes went up. For those of you who do not know, you're not allowed to use public access to raise money. Phil is doing this because he knows at the end of the day he can get away with it. The commission is spineless, and is big on selective enforcement particularly when it comes to Phil Cosme. The Chairwoman Lisa Alt, is afraid of him so he runs wild, free of consequences.

Some of Phil's antics include :

- Yelling at a KPA Commisioner in front of her 12 year old daughter.
- Yelling and threatening a producer in front of his son.
- Yelling at a 14 year old kid for putting his program on.
- Getting in a producer's face and threating them, resulting in the police escorting him out of the building.
- Soliciting money on the air.


  1. Anonymous2:11 AM

    Jeremy, you are probably too young to remember, but the last straw that burned the barn of McCarthyism was the rhetorical question; "Senator, do you have no sense of decency?....."
    Please, ponder this because you are very close to this point in your young career. And by the way, where is all that intent about being positive. Please, think about it.

  2. Anonymous6:11 AM

    You forgot to mention some other tidbits like the library board members call the cops on him; he almost gets into an altercation in front of WGHQ's studios, and again the cops are called on him (he is banned from ever being on the air there). Phil the Phellon is scarey...and a total loser.

  3. Anonymous7:40 AM

    The solution to this problem is simple. The Common Council should pull the plug on the station. It would be nice if the Alderman from the 1st Ward would get a little backbone and join with the other members of the Council to pull the plug. But he get his marching orders from Cahill and the blond with the heavy makeup. And we all know why Walker wants it so he can
    make himself out to be silly and looking if he needs his meds. And the Cahill's are the biggest abusers of all Rich calls for smaller government but its OK if
    the City funds the station. Now we
    got the two blonds on there pushing there agenda. And of cource Phil the 'everyone is against me' and being a FELON is no big deal. The answer is simple.

  4. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Please do not forget that the Kingston City Police had to remove him from the Library

  5. Anonymous12:34 PM

    i think is foolish to ask for money to produce your show. no one else is asking for a hand out. is phil trying to say he puts for more time into his show then other programs. phil rented a trailer in the past in the town of ulster. the thing should be knocked down,but on his show he has we need to clean up kingston but he is aideing the problem with this rat hole. oh wait its in the town of ulster so it doesnt count

  6. Anonymous3:47 PM

    people its only a matter of time before this animal is cuffed and hauled off to jail

  7. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Phil Cosme is a pure idiot whos mind was destroyed by drugs long ago. He was a drug pusher that made his money selling drugs to children. Don't take this scumbag seriously--just laugh at him and pity how pathetic he really is. Go to hell, Phil!

  8. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Phil is a problem child who never grew up. He is also dangerous and a criminal. Is this a man we want as a leader in our city? Is this a man we want around our children? Is this a man who is respectable? NO on all counts! Phil, go find a new home and be someone else's problem!

  9. Anonymous11:05 PM

    So you think the Henry Street Action is a and this blog is a joke. Must be nice to be a lackey for a pathetic mayor.

  10. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Putting Phil Cosme in charge of crime fighting is like putting the fix in charge of the hen house. This guy did serious prison time for felony drug possession. He used his dirty money to buy a slew of rental properties including a couple on Washington Avenue. Unfortunately, he was busted before the law went into effect in which New York State can seize the assets of drug dealers. No, I am not a lackey of the mayor--I answer to myself, and I know I speak for the majority of Kingston (as evidenced by Phil's losing streak in the polls), that Phil Cosme is a philistine and a moron. He is a big bully, a felon, and an angry man that has serious mental issues which exclude him from what we call-REALITY and RESPONSIBLITY!


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