
Sunday, May 06, 2007

Kingston races heatin' up

City of Kingston Mayoral race and council races are starting to heat up. It looks like an interesting year ahead of us. Here are some of the races Blaber New's has heard through the rumor mill. NO ENDORSEMENTS will be made until candidates are officially running.
*= Favored to win
= Lock.

Mayor -
**Jim Sottile (D) v. Rich Cahill (R), Phil Cosme (R)

Alderman- at Large *Jim Noble (D) v. Lenny Walker (?)

Ward 1 -
*Al Teetsil (R) v. ?

Ward 2- **Jennifer Ringwood (D) v. Phil Cosme (R)

Ward 3- *Charlie Landi (D) v. Pat Carol (R)

Ward 4 - **Matt Ryan (D) V.. CROSS ENDORSEMENT

Ward 5 - **Anne Marie DiBella (D) v. Jean Jacobs (R)

Ward 6 *Bob Gillon (D) V. Ron Polacco (R)

Ward 7**Bill Reynolds (D) v. Jack Shehe (R), possibly Tony Sinagra (R)

Ward 8 *Robert Senor (D) v. Robb Kinnin (R), Jay Hogan(I)---> may get GOP line.

Ward 9 *Mike Madsen (D) v. ?


  1. Anonymous1:52 AM

    Sottile, Will be too busy, With his own race. He will not be sticking his nose in any wards this year. 2008: ........It's Every Man for Himself. Lol

  2. Anonymous2:07 AM

    Lenny Walker, Is up to something! Where is the camera?

    Where is Clark Going?

  3. Anonymous12:14 PM

    best part about this is little dick first ruined the party and now made sure only one repub will be left standing in the council next

  4. Anonymous4:42 PM

    to 3rd commentator: I presume you are referring to Cahill. There was 1 R in Council when he took over as Chairman. The next election, under his leadership, there were 3. No one believed he had a snowball's chance against Martino, least of all Martino himself, who just sat back and figured he was an automatic winner. Cahill's a bigger threat than you give him credit for. So all you dirty-mouthed slimeballs just sit back, cock-sure of yourselves, and watch as Cahill wins again.

  5. Anonymous6:05 AM

    to 3rd commentator: why is Little Dick getting all upset AND taking credit for beating Martino? A german shepherd coulda beat Martino. Senor? Well, we all know where he went. Teetsel? He's taking credit for a Republican winning in a Republican ward? LOL !!!

  6. Anonymous2:54 PM

    if you get dirty mouth pervert woltman off your blog it would sure look better for a school board candidate. iggy

  7. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Why does little dick keep talking about woltman? who is woltman?

  8. Anonymous2:44 PM

    to Pippy: Woltman is a nobody who fears & dislikes (hates actually) Cahill. He has no self-esteem and spouts filthy garbage about others. You would not be impressed by him.

  9. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Martino was your thought he was pretty good before. Must be great belonging to your party. Knife anybody in the back, even your own.great bunch you are. It will be good when your all out on your asses in November

  10. Anonymous7:01 AM

    To the last poster: Uh.....uh huh, yeah....whatever...

  11. Anonymous9:52 AM

    at least we HAVE a party - AND we run the government - more than you can say, you putz.

  12. Anonymous9:32 AM

    to poster using word "putz":
    You are certainly a pig with mush for brains. If you could make a cohesive and convincing argument you would not have to resort to calling people dirty names; how incredibly pre-teen you are!

  13. Anonymous9:58 AM

    The cohesive argument is simply that Rich Cahill (small version) handed victory to the Democrats on a silver platter. I say this as a Republican. He has no chance of winning, and neither does Walker. Moreover, by taking himself and Walker off the Council, he leaves the real chance that there could be 8 Democrats and 1 Republican on the Council, as Teetsil will probably be relelected. This is what Cahill has done. (I try to imagine what the Republican Party would be like if it had real leadership, but it depresses me to compare potential with stark reality.)

  14. Anonymous9:28 AM

    to poster trying to make cohesive argument: Don't try to pretend you are a Republican; your absurd reasoning shows you are a Democrat.

  15. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Commenter 14 is right...I'm no longer a Republican. What self-respecting member of this community would call himself such, given the nit-wits who run the party...or the shell of its former self, that is?


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