
Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Lenny Walker, Missing in Action

Lenny Walker, candidate for Alderman-at-Large, was absent for the monthly Kingston Common Council meeting. We all get busy, and sometimes you can't make a meeting. However, it is the responsibility of an Alderman to contact the council president if you can't make it for whatever reason. Lenny never contacted me, said Council President Jim Noble. Wow, this guy wants to be council president, but he's not able to follow the rules of the council? How can Lenny proceed over a council, when he apparently does not know the rules of order?

Just a side note: Lenny Walker did not make the council meeting, but still found time to talk to the Freeman, and make nasty comments about Alderman Senor. Why was he bashing Senor? Senor has switched parties and become a Democrat. It was Lenny Walker who switched and joined the GOP just two weeks ago, you would think he would keep silent on the issue and not look like a hypocrite. Not Lenny, "It's no surprise Senor switched... he is just a "butt-buddy" for the Mayor anyway..... Nice language for a guy who wants to be Council President.


  1. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Lenny STalker is always missing in action - and if he isn't missing in action, his brain is missing in action...wait....I said he had a brain...

  2. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Everyone knows that Senor sold out to Sottile years ago. Now, he is just making it official.

  3. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Senor knows that the taxpayers put him there to get the job done. The Reputzlican Party, or what's left of it (after little dick, Cosby, and the bottle blonde ruined it) are just a bunch of screamers who have no ideas...they just want to sit on the sidelines and they have Lenny STalker - what a laughing stock a once proud party has become! It's because of these losers that they are out of power

  4. Anonymous10:10 AM

    if i was cahill (small version) i would be embarrassed. but i am not cahill thank god.

  5. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Stalker also found the time to go on the radio this morning

  6. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Stalker is a low-class moron. Little Dick really picked a 'winner' to be his running mate!

  7. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Yes.....And Lenny was out there again bashing Kingston's Brave Firemen. Our Fire Dept does a great job and we as a community support them. Shame on you Mr.Walker You will drag the council Republicans down in several key wards.


  8. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Bookworm, don't forget Walker or Stalker or whatever you want to call this buffoon, now wants to hoze disabled folks. Actually, he and alderboy Cahole want to do this. They want to keep them out of the arts center downtown. What a great team they make! Yes sirree bob, what a great team!

  9. Anonymous9:41 AM

    to the 8th commentator: go look for yourself, in case you doubt; there is no handicapped entrance to the arts building. Talk about hypocrasy!


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