
Saturday, May 26, 2007

Matt Ryan, wrong for Ward 4

Matt Ryan wants to serve the people of Ward 4, good for him... you got to give him credit for wanting to serve. However, that's the only credit he deserves. The guy is a walking complaint, will complain about anything the current administration does. However, like most complainers he does not do anything to address the problems. Some will point out the nabe watch groups and the community outreach. It's all an act. Like many I wanted to believe Mr. Ryan was a good person trying to do what is right for his neighborhood, and the ward. However, I was wrong, Matt Ryan is out for Matt Ryan, and does whatever he can to get his name in the newspaper.

Is there crime in Mid Town? Yes. Is Matt Ryan the type of person that can really do anything about it? Sure, but he would rather complain. BTW for the record, these neighborhood watch programs are a shame, what has Matt Ryan really accomplished, but to rile up the neighborhood in a Rosie the Riveter type manner? Matt Ryan is viscous and mean spirited. Matt can attack the Mayor, and the police chief all he wants, but at the end of the day he can't hold a candle to the great job that they do.


  1. Anonymous1:38 AM

  2. Anonymous7:54 AM

    ryan just wants to wah wah wah about everything...without working with folks to SOLVE PROBLEMS

  3. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Matt Ryan is wrong for Ward 4.
    How long has he lived here???
    The voters of the 4th deserve better

  4. Anonymous9:12 AM

    I guess this means Ryan is no longer being supported by the Democrats. If he was, Jeremy would say he walked on water.

  5. Anonymous2:58 PM

    It is intersting too see that you can fault Matt Ryan for not doing anything. Your criteria for doing something is a very low standrad. I saw you on TV the other night when you acted so rude and nasty toward a "guest" on your show. It was claer that all you wanted to do was make him look bad. The only thing you succeeded in was showing everyone how immature and nasty you are.

  6. Anonymous3:31 PM

    cant handle it , can ya Jeremey?

  7. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Well Well Well

    To the Poster #4 let me see what has Mr. Ryan done??? Mr. Blaber's
    guest was Lenny Walker . AT LEAST
    AGREE WITH HIM!! When was the last time The Cahill's, The Blonds, Gorden Webb had anyone on that did not agree with them.
    Why dont the Cahills have on someone from the LGBTQ Center? Gordon?? Cosmo??

  8. Anonymous6:59 PM

    lgbtq center? whats the point of putting on that wonderful group of citizens? they've already had everything handed to them.

  9. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Poster #8

    You did not address my question.Did
    not think you would

  10. Anonymous9:28 PM

    matt ryan is just little dick in drag

  11. As a resident of Ward 4 I can say that our current alderman has done nothing to make our streets cleaner or safer. Matt Ryan has rolled up his sleeves and gotten to work getting things done...the midtown neighborhood watch group, Children of Promise Park, clean up of the train area and organized a canned food drive that collected approximately 600 lbs of food. This is why Matt Ryan will get my vote.

    With regard to the post referring to "the blonds"... THIS blonde feels that the Kingston Public Access channel can be used to educate, entertain and inspire and it is my hope the Monday night spot at 8:30 can fill that need without stodgy airtime muddled with irksome gerrymandering. I prefer to leave the sophomoric tirades to the Springer show where they belong and hope to keep “Around Town” a lighter 30 minutes in the very heavily political Monday night line up.

  12. Anonymous10:23 AM

    i would like to see matt ryan became alderman. the short amount of time he has been in our community he has been involved. i would love to see him on his own show.when it comes time to vote its with him. i live in ward 4 and agree with comment 11 i never get a response. matt ryan is good for ward 4 and kingston. as far as the comment about the blondes i happin to know one of them and she is the nicest caring person and does a great deal for the community probably more then the person that put that comment. thats the problem everyone is slinging mud instead of working together. lets grow up kingston - matt

  13. Anonymous2:28 PM

    to anonymous at 9:28: you are such a foul-mouthed idiot! All you ever post is sexual inuendo. Here's a newsflash for you... start thinking with your brain instead of your crotch if you want people to take you seriously.

  14. Anonymous3:16 PM

    to poster 2:28 - all i was talking about was drag - YOU are the one who thinks that's sexual.... you have issues, man, issues !!!

  15. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Name one thing either of the blonds
    have done for anyone but themselves?? Just one?? Dare you

  16. Anonymous9:46 AM

    to poster at 1:46 one of the blondes as you like to say runs a very large soup kitchen in kingston.she is not paid for this and spends countless hours there.she could be working at any top restaurant as she is a graduate of the culinary institute of america but she instead would rather help the less fortunate. sounds pretty unselfish to me. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE -matt

  17. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Blaber is such a ass hole

  18. Anonymous10:00 AM

    and whats this bullshit ryan's gonna run as a republican??????? i thought the republicans hated gays...just goes to show ya what a whore this man is

  19. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Republicans don't nominate gays? Ever hear of the "Log Cabin Republicans?" Ever hear of former alderman Scott Demicco?
    I'm sick of the crap in Kingston too...from the Phil Cosmes who hate everyone but themselves and can't keep that to themselves to the Archie Bunker types like Webb who want you to believe they are really Carroll O'Connor, to the still-wet-behind-the-ears young immature types who can only defend the Mayor like a family member and hangs around city hall as if he is the "New Rose Hogan."(you know who you are as you run this blog).
    Attacking Ryan however seems to be the real nexxus of politics this year because he does things in an honest, efficient, straightforward, and truly caring manner and is truly concerned about crime as must everyone be and not those in power who have actively covered it up including the Freeman which I have EVIDENCE to show anyone who seeks it. The man who said since Jeremy doesn't like Matt Ryan that means the Democrats aren't supporting him is 100% correct. How many critics of the Neighborhood Watch groups have actually been to such meetings? Last night's meeting was great, never saw any meeting run with such efficiency, audience participation, and spirit of community as that one was, which among other things featured the assistant fire chief Chris Rea speaking about the wonderful things the fire dept. here does do, some of which I am personally familiar with, and a lady whose car was demolished in the recent high speed police chase after the Terri's robbery on Emerson Street. Oh, and by the way Mister Republican, if you thought gays weren't in your party, you don't know much about your party but I do wish you well in watching your reruns of "All In The Family"---I just hope when you get to the episode where you get drunk and locked in the basement and a black man comes to rescue you after you call out for "God" and apologize, that folks like you might do so sincerely in a spirit that for example, hires more blacks as policemen in this city instead of the anglo force that exists today that does not accurately reflect the makeup of the community of Kingston.

  20. Anonymous6:48 PM

    This has nothing to do with being gay--just as it is not a issue of creed, race, or religion. Matt Ryan is not right for alderman because of his personal agenda. If it is not affecting his empire at Downs Street and Ora Place--it is NOT important as far as he is concerned. He is transparent and reads like a dime store romance novel. Ward 4 is far bigger than his own neighborhood, and residents across Broadway let him know that at one of his neigborhood meetings. When he learns what it means to be a public servant and the true meaning of SELFLESS-SERVICE, then he should run to be alderman. Otherwise, he should stick to the neighborhood watch group.

  21. Anonymous7:53 PM

    So anyone who doesn't agree with the Mayor 100% is a whiner and complainer? Anyone who doesn't agree with the Mayor is "attacking"? What happened to freedom of speech in this City? Matthew Ryan is not a politician. Thank goodness. He wants better for his sons, he wants better for his neighbors, he wants better for this City.

    He and I do not agree on everything. He has NEVER belittled me, insulted me or tried to intimidate me. I can not say the say for Mayor Sottile. I am proud to number Matt as one of my friends. He has opened his house to strangers in time of need. He has taken his time, his money and his talent to improve Ward 4 for the children, for the residents, for his neighbors - without pay, without title and in return this Administration and its apologist, belittle and insult and accuse. I am ashamed that those in power have so little tolerance for differences of opinion. And for those of you that need to berate, intimidate and slander others, based on hair color, preference, political ideology - you have my sincere sympathy. Secure people can respect and tolerate differences without stooping to such a narrow minded, negative mindset. True democracy embraces our differences while working for the common good.

  22. Anonymous11:46 PM

    Where does the Mayor come into this? The real issue here is Matt Ryan's self serving attitude and personal agenda. He needs to look at the big picture in Ward 4. If he can somehow gerrymander Ward 4 to just include Downs Street and Ora Place, then he is the right person for alderman.

  23. Anonymous7:31 AM

    All this talk about Ryan isn't there another person running in the 4th ward? why isn,t there one comment about her? is it because she's your choice Jeremy? what has she done in the last year for the ward? I see a lot of discussion about what Ryan has done in his neighborhood,against crime asking for more police, a person who only cares about Ora Place and Downs St but Shirley hasn't even got that far with her ward seems to me we should be looking at the accomplishments of both canidates and so far I only see results from one side.

  24. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Its Dr.Whitlock


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