
Thursday, May 03, 2007

Alderman Senor jumps off the sinking GOP ship

Alderman Robert Senor (D-8), a GOP Alderman for nearly 14 years has jumped ship abandoning the Republican party, and enrolling as a Dem.

"It has become apparent that the Republican Party chooses to criticize and work against anything that is positive. As of late, there is only negativism, greed and personal attacks that should be done behind closed doors."

- Alderman Senor,
on why he has switched.

If anyone read any of the commentary from the Republican party in todays Freeman, you will see Senor's point. They respond in a viscously negative manner that is counterproductive to doing the people's work. I applaud Alderman Senor for finally seeing the light. It has only taken 14 years.


  1. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Of course he left - after what little dick did to the party!

  2. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Before Senor changes partys, he should read the democrat responses to most of the blogs pertaining to republicans. Negativism,greed and personal attacks......... indeed, By the way you've been a Dem. for quite a while.

  3. Anonymous10:04 AM

    there was never a party to leave - the republicans have been a mess for years

  4. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Has Bobby Senor seen the light?
    Maybe so but is he right?
    Hanging out with Blaber
    every night
    talking the good talk aint so hard
    to bad Lenny's out of sight
    Walking and Talking with Richie
    Was to much to bear
    now he must sink in his chair
    But Senor is a man
    a man with a plan
    not like Clint
    who was hard to hit
    going on TV to save 23
    was that to be?
    Or was he thinking it
    just not for me?

  5. Anonymous4:43 PM

    the poet is a dork!

  6. Anonymous9:21 AM

    good riddance to bad rubbish

  7. Anonymous9:56 AM

    yes senor is saying good riddance to republican rubbish

  8. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Senor saw the writing on the wall. He won the last election by the skin of his teeth and would have lost if it had been a 2-way race instead of a 3-way. He could barely get 40% of the vote as a long-time politico from the area. The Ward is heavy Democrat and he figures that if he's the Democrat candidate he will get reelected. Senor's a suck-up and now is exactly in the right place with like company.Senor is in it for Senor, and it won't be long before both he and his new-found-friends become disenchanted with each other. Where will he go when he finds out the voters aren't concerned whether he's a Democrat or a Republican? They just don't like HIM.

  9. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Actually, I think Senor is more of a Democrat than some of the Democrats on the Council. The guy gets things done. He doesn't carp and throw bombs like Small Cahill.

  10. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Where have you been? Until he reinvented himself after the last election, Senor was the biggest carper and screamer on the council. He created huge problems from small tiffs. He constantly berated the mayor and Democrats on the council until he saw that it was in his own best interest to suck up. Don't ever doubt that Senor puts himself first.

  11. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Best part about this is little dick praised senor as if he was the second coming two years all he can do is trash the crap out of him because he changed parties.


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