
Friday, June 29, 2007

Updated list below - Ante up : Parete stacks his bets for Bradley

Yesterday, I reported that I was confident that the Democratic Executive Committee meeting being held on Sunday would be fair, and that Chairman Parete would not stack the deck to allow Vincent Bradley Jr. to run in a Democratic primary. I'm disappointed to say I was wrong. Today, John Parete appointed 19 new members (Bradley Supporters) to the Executive board, that will be allowed to vote on Sunday. This is simply disgraceful and unacceptable. Mr.Parete has officially turned into Pete Savago. What? Does John Parete not have faith in his Executive Committee? It's one thing to have the Executive Committee vote and allow Bradley to run. It's a different story to appoint 19 new people to insure that Bradley is allowed to run. We as Democrats must take a stand on this, and not allow this to happen. If that means that Mr. Parete's Chairmanship is threatened then so be it. The party is bigger then Parete, Bradley and even Sennett. We must not abandon our principals for any one person.

Some of Parete's new appointees include :

Eli B. Basch, who serves on the Committee to Elect Vincent Bradley

Charles O. Landi, a staunch Bradley supporter

Kevin R. Bryant, also serves on Committee to Elect Vincent Bradley

Elliot Aurbach, seconded Bradley's nomination in his bid for the Democratic nod.

Abel Garraghan, Bradley supporter

Now, if these people want to serve on the executive committee, fine, they're all very intelligent and well qualified people, but they must wait until the next meeting. To put them on 48 hours before such an important vote is extremely inappropriate and does not fool anyone. It is very clear there purpose is to make sure Bradley is allowed in a primary, and that is immoral.

The Committee meeting is Sunday, 4pm at Democratic Headquarters on Fair St., I encourage everyone to attend and speak up against this outrage.

Better yet, Call John Parete and tell him that this is not the way our party works. It's not to late for him to change his mind and do the right thing.

John Parete : 845-657-8500
John Parete E-mail-


  1. Anonymous10:55 PM

    When Bradley is the next DA it will again be proven what a great party chair the democrats have.

  2. Anonymous3:53 AM

    yes, as when bush was elected pres,we found out wonderful folk cheney, rove, and rumsfeld were.i'm following your logic..dipmeister....

  3. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Aside from the Bryant guy who I never heard of, these others are certainly very long term Democrats.

    Eli B. Basch, who serves on the Committee to Elect Vincent Bradley

    Charles O. Landi, a staunch Bradley supporter

    Kevin R. Bryant, also serves on Committee to Elect Vincent Bradley

    Elliot Aurbach, seconded Bradley's nomination in his bid for the Democratic nod.

    Abel Garraghan, Bradley supporter

  4. Anonymous12:59 PM

    No wonder the GOP is in power. We democrats can't get our act together. We are our own worst enemy. Why can't we all get on the same sheet of music? No wonder why idiots like "W" and his cronies prevail.

  5. Anonymous7:57 PM

    This may be Parete's Waterloo....he might have just overreached....

  6. Anonymous11:07 PM

    How many of these people are truly new names? Did Parete introduce this subject of adding to the Executive committee, even naming some of these people a few months ago? Yes he did.

    It is disingenuous of you Jermey to act like John went out and called all of these people in the past few days. Do you think all of those people would sign on for that? You know most of them. It is insulting and pretentious of you to paint them all with the same brush isn't it?

  7. What's disingenuous is for Parete to appoint half of Bradley's committee to elect, to the executive board 48 hours before a vote on whether or not Bradley can run. While some of the appointments (4 tops) may be legit. No way, that 19 of them are. It's wrong and you know it.

  8. Anonymous11:38 PM

    48 hours? Check the date from the mail. Also, check out when they were really announced.

    June 25, 2007
    To: UCDC Executive Committee
    From: John Parete, Chair

    As many members of the Executive Committee urged at the April 2007 meeting of the committee, I have made the following appointments to the Standing Committees; and, as I announced at the May 2007 Meeting of the Executive Committee Meeting; I have created the following Special Committees with the following chairs and appointed the following District Representatives, all in accordance with the By-laws of the Ulster County Democratic Committee:

    Standing Committees and Chairs:

    Legal: Joe O’Connor

    Finance: Eli Basch

    Candidates: Bonnie Landi

    Issues: Vince Fisher

    Voter Registration: Kathy Mihm

    Program: Charles Landi

    UCD Women’s Club: Julie McQuain

    Special Committees and Chairs:

    Business Outreach & Development Issues: Abel Garraghan

    Labor Outreach & Issues (trades; other labor): Keith Baxter

    Labor Outreach and Issues Committee (civil service): Jeannette Provenanzo

    African American Outreach & Issues: Kevin Bryant

    GLBT Outreach & Issues: Otia Lee

    UC Young Democrats: Jay Mahler

    District Representatives:

    District 1: Elliott Auerbach

    District 3: Nancy Schuckman

    District 6: James Sottile

    District 9: Chris Mercier

    District 11: Sandy Avampato

    District 12: Brian Seche

    I expect to appoint the remaining District Representatives in the coming weeks.

  9. The members of the exec committee got this communication on Saturday. He may have written the letter on the 25th but it was delivered to the executive committee yesterday.

  10. Anonymous1:12 AM

    I know it will only last a couple of days, but I'm glad you have a new mission to hold your attention before you get back to the Cahill bashing.

  11. Anonymous9:13 AM

    As many members of the Executive Committee urged at the April 2007 meeting of the committee, I have made the following appointments to the Standing Committees; and, as I announced at the May 2007 Meeting of the Executive Committee

    Looks like May to me, not Saturday. absence from the meetings does not mean it was not announced.

  12. Anonymous11:17 AM

    The town chairs are already up in arms about this one. And if the Town Chairs are pissed you know what happens then.....a full on revolt of the party. Parete might have just gone too far.

  13. Anonymous11:47 AM

    think of it as fighting fire with fire. At the democratic convention Bradley won the first ballot by a wide margin. He obviously has extensive democratic support. He should be on the ballot.

    Sennett eventually "won" (???) the democratic endorsement- not the primary. If he is so proud of his win at the convention, why is he so afraid of Bradley in a real election. Ulster County Democrats deserve to choose from all canadates.

  14. I attended the meting and there was talk of appointing two or three committee in the near future. There was NEVER talk of appointing 20 people 48 hours before such an important vote.

  15. Anonymous11:52 AM

    At the April EC meeting Parete angrily refused to form new committees... at the May meeting he said he would appoint "a couple" but still never announced any...

    After his boy lost at the convention in June, he realized he could stack the deck in his favor and tried to do so.

    He announced his 15 to 19 new appointments to the Committee 2 days before the vote, and even then only because people kept asking if there were any new appointments (which he repeatedly said he would not make)...

    It still blew up in his face...

    Being a long time Democrat is not a license to cheat... most of the new appointees have no morals...

  16. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Anonymous said...

    At the democratic convention Bradley won the first ballot by a wide margin.

    To review:
    Ballot 1
    Bradley 41%
    NOT Bradley 59%

    Ballot 2
    Bradley 43%
    NOT Bradley 57%

  17. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Let me expand on the below quote from a prior comment:
    "It is disingenuous of you Jermey to act like John went out and called all of these people in the past few days. Do you think all of those people would sign on for that? You know most of them. It is insulting and pretentious of you to paint them all with the same brush isn't it?"
    Well I agree that Jeremy would be out of line if these long time Democratic stalwarts were astute enough, and honest enough, to recognize and admit how they were being used to discredit the Chairman's own committee (UCDCEC) by the Chairman himself. But I haven't seen or heard anything from any of them that would make me change my mind regarding their unquestioningly politically motivated support of a very poor strategy to violate the decision by the Chairman himself for the UCDCEC to grant or not grant the waiver required for a not legally valid Democratic candidate to compete in the Democratic primary in 2007. ..."insulting and pretentious" is appropriately applied to the Chair and his recent appointees, not Jeremy. Not a one of them could possibly, in good conscience, believe at this point that they were not appointed to stack the deck in favor of the waiver. If they didn't know it they should be mad as hell at the Chair. If you are going to play politics at least be up front and admit it.
    Thanks Jeremy for a forum to speak my mind. But what's all this anonymous crap?


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