
Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Bradley wins Conservative nod

Vincent Bradley Jr., wins Conservative line, he won by a very slim margin (54-51) but to be fair he won. I doubt Mr.Sennett will say some sort of deal was made between Bradley and Carnright... he has a little more class then that. I wonder if Carnright gave him the respect he deserved and shook his hand afterward? Anyway, it'll be interesting to see how this plays out now amongst Democrats...real Democrats that vote in a primary will not like a candidate that is being supported by the Conservative Party. It seems to me Bradley can't make up his mind on what party he wants to be associated with. And, let's be honest the reason Bradley won this line is because of his father, a person that has always had the support of the Conservative party.


  1. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Since Mr. Bradley won the first and second ballot, why would a "deal" have to be made? Both candidates worked hard and Mr. Bradley won. As to real Democrats supporting Conservative endorsed candidates, were you not one of the first to endorse Paul VanBlarcum (D,I,C) for Sheriff? Does that make him less of a Democrat? Many Democrats through the years have sought and won the Conservative line. Third party endorsements are fought for by all the major parties. They do make a difference.

  2. Are you saying a Democrat CANNOT be a conservative? You realize, that WILL be the downfall of the Democrat party. Just as I would agree that if the Republican party rejected ALL but conservatives, they too would be doomed.

  3. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Nice Roger Clemens style goodbye.

  4. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Bradley is a freaking Republican plain and simple. Robert Morganthau is probably disowning him as we speak.

  5. Anonymous3:19 PM

    The real reason Bradley won was because Sennett did not apply, because lets face it Bradley can't beat Jonathan Sennett.

  6. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Could Jonathan Sennett have beat Vincent Bradley at the Conservative convention? Guess we will never know. I find it interesting that Bradley also has the Independence party line. Should Bradley lose the Democratic primary who will he pull votes from as a third party candidate? If he wins the primary, it's all over. With three lines it would be a slam dunk. So, I guess the question to Democratic voters is "how lucky do you feel in a three way race" or, "how badly do you want the seat"?

  7. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Doesn't Bradley look a little bit like that retarded guy from the Goonies?

  8. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Whoever said that Goonies comment is genius! LMAO!

    The question to Democrats is do we want to act like the party in charge or just keep on pushing Republican retreds to run for office. Plus its very unclear whether Bradley gets his Wilson Pekula. Parete apparently promised not to issue one without the support of the executive committee and there is no way in hell the exec committee supports a wilson pekula.

  9. Anonymous5:43 PM

    LOL!!!! Vincent Bradley Jr., a.k.a. Chunk

  10. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Vince Bradley does bare a striking resemblance to Sloth from the Goonies...too freaking funny.

  11. Anonymous3:27 AM amusing as it is to poke fun at Bradley these posts do not help the Sennett cause. Please remove them.

    The reality is we need a winner not a whiner in the the district attorney's office. Let's stick to the issues and not veer off the road.


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