
Sunday, June 24, 2007

D.A. race a lot like AG Race

You know just thinking about this whole D.A. mess (I mean race) I'm reminded a little of the NY1 Pace debate I was invited to by then candidate AndrewCuomo. The candidates are very similar. You have Julian Schriebman, a bright, articulate, well qualified candidate that can't seem to get any traction.... he's the Sean Patrick Malloney Candidate. Then there is Jon Sennett, the seasoned, well spoken, and well qualified candidate that Dem's are drawn to...there's a little hesitation because of the whole how dare you try to run against the chosen candidate (Carl McCall, 2 years prior and Vince Jr. today) but Sennett still holds a strong lead in the county....he's the Andrew Cuomo candidate. Then, lastly, you have Vince Bradley Jr. who has a small base of support in a specific area where he has name recognition. However the guy lacks a personality and is extremely arrogant therefore he turns people off, a guy that'll do well in priate practice or in an appointed position but is simply unelectable....Bradley Jr., is the Mark Green candidate. I know only certain people will make sense of any of this, but it's just me over thinking.


  1. Anonymous4:36 PM

    You are giving Julian far too much credit. He just wasted 20,000 in taxpayers money losing all counts in a gang assault trial. Let's not forget a previous gang assault trial that was thrown out by a judge due to a lack of evidence. Let him practice on his own dime not ours.

  2. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Actually, you're not giving Julian enough credit. At least he's actually prosecuted criminals in Ulster County, unlike the other two. And, as any lawyer will tell you, a trial is a crapshoot and that only the hardest cases go to trial; otherwise, you would be wasting the taxpayers’ money. Meanwhile, without any political connections, Julian did amazingly well at the convention.

  3. Anonymous10:45 PM

    It is so nice that Julian's mother wrote in to defend her son's trial history. The same rationale can be used in baseball. The games are tough and the teams with the best record make it to the pennant. You bring a case to trial fully confident that you can prove the case and convince a jury...otherwise you lose. The other option is to plea bargin based on the best interests of justice.

  4. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Great cases go to trial and weak ones go as well. I for one do not want any DA pleading out a case only because the they think the evidence is weak. You do the trial. Punishment has to fit the crime, not how strong or weak your evidence is or how much trial will cost. If they don't think they can win the trial they shouldn't be bringing the case in the first place. Also, are the criminals in Ulster so much different than the Bronx or Manhattan. I fail to see the significance of that. At the end of the day, Julian has apparently been very unsuccessful since he has been in the DA's Office. funny that his motto is "results" because his have bordered on incompetent. That will eventually is being talked about a great deal now.

  5. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Schriebman is now showing his true character. Why didn't he make accusations against Bradley Jr a month ago when it was suggested that he (himself) struck a deal with Sennett.

    The numbers simply don't add up. There were two quality candidates but virtually 100% of Schriebman's delegates voted for Sennett. If you can believe each delegate reached that decision without help, then there's a bridge in lower Manhattan I'd like to sell you.


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