
Sunday, June 03, 2007

Opinion Poll : Who will you support in the Kingston Mayoral Election?

The Poll is now closed thanks to all who participated.

Winner : Mayor James M. Sottile 56%


  1. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Too bad the election will not have the same results!

  2. You're right, Cahill will not pull more then 30%

  3. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Cahill will beat Sottile, not becaue he is a wonderful candidate, but because people HATE Jim Sottile. They absolutely hate him.

  4. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Jeremy: you should get your picture taken with Cahill, since he will be the next mayor. I hear a lot around town. People like Cahill, and yes, they do hate Sottile. Most of the Sottile-haters are Dems by the way. So get ready for the change coming in January. Maybe Cahill will give you a plum job

  5. Anonymous8:37 PM

    You lied again jeramey, you really dont post everthing!

  6. Anonymous9:41 AM

    You say Sottile got 56%. However, look at the results link. It shows Cahill ahead.

  7. Ya, Mr.Richter's must have hacked the poll. When the poll was shut down it had Sottile ahead. I'm taking the results page down because they are not accurate..they where altered.

    I run a weekly poll and at the end of the week Sottile was ahead and the poll was taken down. Someone could take the poll code and alter it and keep voting. Sottile won fair and square.

  8. Anonymous9:58 AM

    your little poll means nothing. the people won't be fooled by big D Sottile much longer.

  9. Anonymous5:15 PM

    It seems that Rich Cahill has posted a link to the results on his alderman site

  10. Anonymous6:56 PM

    What is wrong with you? This is an internet poll. Do you really think there's any accuracy? Do you wait for the moment the results are what you want and then close the poll?

    CAHILL IS AHEAD in your meaningless poll.

    Are you aware you CAN'T close the poll?

    Are you aware that people outside of the Kingston voters can vote in your poll?

    Are you aware that people can vote multiple times?

    Who knows? Maybe Cahill will win in a landslide. Or maybe it will be the other way around.

    But one thing is 100 percent certain. The poll you put up means nothing.

    Again, I say this with Cahill being AHEAD.


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