
Sunday, June 17, 2007

Vince Bradley's Sour Grapes

I know, I said that I was shutting this down, and I am, but this I couldn't resist. Vince Bradley Jr., today blasted Jon Sennett, Democratic nominee for DA, for doing his job? Bradley whined about some sort of conflict of interest but I don't see one. Actually, no one sees a conflict because a conflict does not exist. This is just sour grapes over his second loss to Jon Sennett. Sennett defeated Bradley for the Democratic and Working Families' nominations.


  1. Anonymous9:16 PM

    You are absolutely correct. Bradley's statements prove him to be a lightweight.

  2. Anonymous8:44 PM

    The only people who will be well served if Bradley is elected are the people who twisted arms and the process to get him in office. That would be the old boy network...Cahill, Hinchey, Spada and Sottile. Shame on them all for backing a dud candidate. Bradley needs a personality not a primary.

  3. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Don't forget the Cahill foot soldiers the Parete's for pushing Bradley....

  4. Anonymous7:02 AM

    There is a new "widely speculated" rumor. Vincent Bradley entered a bridal suite with Hugh Reynolds.

    Did you see the receiving line? Cahill, Hinchey, Parete, Spada and Sottile.

  5. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Sottile, yes we know he was close to Al Spada after the big ticket luncheon. But, since when are Cahill and Hinchey in any way associated with the Head Republican Spada? That would be news to this long time Democrat.

  6. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Jeremy, you are brutal. Start posting more than Sennett propoganda and people might take you seriously!

  7. Anonymous12:56 PM

    It is not Sennett propaganda. It is the truth. Ask Bradley about his back room deals with Cahill. Mr. ethical behavior does not stand up to his own actions, so he has no right to claim unethical behavior on the part of others.

  8. Anonymous1:43 AM

    Note to the long time Democrate. Wake up. How long have you been asleep. How did Spada get to be King of Ulster County Politics without sleeping with te enemy? Politicians know no bounds when it comes time to make a deal to stay in office. By the way, was the guest list of Hinchey's wedding ever published?

  9. Great site! My hats off to you.


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